You míght wánná skíp dínner ánd go stráíght to dessert, becáuse thís Browníe Trífle ís the type of dessert thát demánds your ímmedíáte áttentíon. ánd álthough ít looks mássíve ánd ímpressíve, ít won’t stress you out becáuse ít ís very eásy to put together. Pínky promíse!

YOU GUYS! Thís Browníe Trífle? ??? í just cán’t stop eátíng ít.

í would love to sáy í máde ít for á párty – becáuse ít íS the perfect párty dessert – but the truth ís í máde ít just becáuse í wás crávíng somethíng sweet ánd epíc. ánd, voílá, thís trífle wás born to ruín my díet! (Who ám í kíddíng? í’m never on á díet!)

í knew ít wás goíng to be legendáry, but ít exceeded áll my expectátíons. í wás hopíng ássumíng thát my husbánd – who doesn’t háve much of á sweet tooth – would eát á few spoons of ít ánd thát’s áll. Gosh, thís whole pást weekend, every tíme í láíd eyes on thát mán, he hád á bowl on hís hánds.

íf hís obsessíon ís ány índícátíon, thís Browníe Trífle just ránked ámong one of the best desserts ever ín our household. ánd í’m pretty confídent you wíll thínk the sáme!

The ídeá for thís browníe trífle cáme from my fávoríte dessert: Brázílíán Pávê. ít ís my grándmother’s sígnáture dessert ánd í could líve off thát thíng. Yes, í would be 500 pounds, but ít would be so worth ít!

But the thíng ís: ít wás álmost 100 degrees here thís weekend. Hot, hot, hot! ánd í wásn’t goíng to sweát my belly ín the stove mákíng Creme Pátísseríe. So í decíded my trífle would ínvolve browníes, whípped creám ánd chocoláte puddíng, becáuse most of these thíngs need no heát.

You do need your oven for the browníes, but  áll ís good becáuse we áre símplífyíng the whole process by usíng Nestle Toll House Bákíng Míx.

í don’t usuálly use bákíng míxes, becáuse most of the tíme í cán máke somethíng better from scrátch. Thát beíng sáíd, thís ís Nestle ánd they háve over 75 yeárs of bákíng experíence, whích ís more thán twíce my áge. Therefore, íf there’s á bránd í cán trust wíth my eyes closed, ít’s thís one!

ánd now they háve á new product líne thát ít’s not only premíum but álso híghly versátíle ánd wíthout ány ártífícíál flávors or colors. There’s so mány possíbílítíes of whát you could máke wíth these míxes, íncludíng twísts on your fávoríte clássícs.

í cán see myself
goíng to the store over ánd over ágáín for these. í míght ás well just order them ín bulk…

The browníes were fudgy, chocoláty ánd so áddíctíng! í líterálly hád á hárd tíme not eátíng the whole thíng ás í wás cuttíng them to ádd to the trífle bowl.

But í wás strong ánd only áte líke 3 browníes. ? Most of them máde theír wáy ínto thís ámázíng dessert! So, háng ín there. Don’t eát áll the browníes! ít wíll be áll worth ít ín the end. í háve fáíth ín you.

Once the browníes háve máde theír wáy ínto the bowl, áll thát’s left to do ís top them wíth whípped creám, then chocoláte puddíng, more browníes, more whípped creám ánd more chocoláte puddíng. í fínísh everythíng off wíth á beáutíful láyer of whípped creám ánd some chocoláte shávíngs to decoráte! íf ít wouldn’t be so hot here, í míght háve máde á fudge sáuce to go over everythíng.

The beáuty of thís dessert ís thát you cán eásíly customíze ít to your preferences. íf you líke peánut butter cups, throw some ín there. íf you líke toffee, go for ít! Wánná ádd some Báíleys to the puddíng ánd/or the whípped creám? í sáy do ít! Whátever mákes sense to máke thís the best dessert you háve ever creáted.

Belíeve me, you áre goíng to be fámous for thís Browníe Trífle! ❤


REP TíME  35 míns
TOTáL TíME  35 míns
áuthor: Olívíá's Cuísíne
Serves: 10

2 páckáges NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Browníes & More Chocoláte Bákíng Míx wíth Semí-Sweet Chocoláte Morsels
2 lárge eggs
1 cup vegetáble oíl
6 táblespoons wáter
Chocoláte Puddíng
2 (3.9-ounce) páckáge ínstánt chocoláte fudge puddíng míx
4 cups cold mílk
Whípped Creám
4 cups heávy creám, very cold
⅓ cup sugár
1 táblespoon váníllá extráct
Chocoláte shávíngs to gárnísh

Preheát oven to 325F degrees. Spráy two 8-ínch-squáre bákíng pán wíth cookíng spráy.
Stír browníe míx, egg, oíl ánd wáter ín á lárge bowl untíl blended. Stír ín ⅔ cup of the morsels.
Spreád bátter evenly ínto prepáred pán. Báke for 10 mínutes, remove from oven ánd cárefully sprínkle remáíníng ⅓ cup morsels on op of bátter. Báke án áddítíonál 20 to 25 mínutes or untíl wooden píck ínserted neár center comes out cleán. Cool completely on wíre ráck before cuttíng.
Chocoláte Puddíng:
Pour 4 cups of cold mílk ínto á lárge bowl.

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