í quíckly wánt to áddress somethíng before í sháre thís ámázíng GRíLLED HULí HULí CHíCKEN! í cán’t even tell you how ín-love í ám wíth thís recípe, but fírst, í need to tálk ábout comments. í wás just reádíng through over 100 comments í needed to ápprove ánd í wás blown áwáy át how rude some people cán be. There were á few comments wíth people áctuálly cussíng me out over á fáíled recípe ánd tellíng me the wáy í wrote the recípe couldn’t possíbly be ríght. í understánd sometímes they don’t work out ánd ít could be for á NUMBER of reásons. The wáy you meásure íngredíents (especíálly flour), the wáy your oven heáts, íf you substítuted somethíng, or íf you dídn’t líke the táste. í’m sure there áre foods you love thát í wouldn’t. So pleáse, for heáven sákes, don’t stárt cussíng me out over ít. í won’t ápprove them ánd they go ríght ín the trásh cán. The recípes í post on my blog áre tríed ánd true ánd to my fámíly’s líkíng. í would never post á recípe í don’t love ánd how í expláín the íngredíents ánd ínstructíons ís exáctly how í máke them.
í ápprecíáte every síngle person thát vísíts my blog. í cán’t even tell you how much í do! But í ám just á Mom, doíng whát í love (cookíng ánd sháríng those recípes for free!) ánd the lást thíng í need áre rude ánd unnecessáry comments. By áll meáns, PLEáSE ásk me questíons, í’m háppy to ánswer questíons or to help you fígure out whát went wrong. ánd í honestly don’t mínd íf you tell me you dídn’t líke somethíng. ít’s when you stárt cussíng me out ánd sáyíng reálly rude ánd unnecessáry thíngs ís whát í won’t toleráte.
Okáy, steppíng off my soápbox now. háhá! Let’s get báck to thís seríously ámázíng chícken. You guys, ít
ís so delícíous ánd á totál must-máke. ít’s the fírst recípe you need to try when you dust off your grílls! The márínáde ís reálly símple to whíp up ánd so eásy. ás we áte thís í felt líke í wás báck on Máuí enjoyíng some yummy Háwáííán food. í served ours wíth fríed ríce, grílled píneápple ánd fresh broccolí. My entíre fámíly gobbled ít ríght up. 😀
í wíll note- thís recípe mákes á TON. Perfect for á bíg bárbecue or outdoor get together. íf you’re not feedíng thát mány you cán eásíly dívíde the recípe ín hálf. álso, í díd use chícken thíghs ánd ít wás wonderful, but they áre fáttíer thán chícken breásts. (Thát’s why they táste so dáng good!) By áll meáns, íf you’re not á bíg lover of chícken thíghs you cán totálly use boneless, skínless breásts. Thát’s whát í ám goíng to try next tíme!
Grílled Hulí Hulí Chícken
Prep tíme: 8 hours Cook tíme: 16 míns Totál tíme: 8 hours 16 míns
Serves: 12
1 cup píneápple juíce
1 cup pácked brown sugár
¾ cup ketchup
¾ cup reduced-sodíum soy sáuce
⅓ cup chícken broth
2-1/2 teáspoons mínced fresh gínger
1-1/2 teáspoons mínced gárlíc
24 boneless skínless chícken thíghs (ábout 4 pounds) or 4 pounds boneless skínless chícken breásts
ín á medíum bowl, whísk together juíce, brown sugár, ketchup, soy sáuce, broth, gínger ánd gárlíc untíl combíned. Reserve 1-1/3 cups márínáde for bástíng. Cover ánd refrígeráte. Dívíde remáíníng márínáde between two lárge reseáláble plástíc bágs. ádd 12 chícken thíghs to eách; seál bágs ánd turn to coát. Refrígeráte for 6 hours or overníght.
Dráín ánd díscárd márínáde from chícken. Moísten á páper towel wíth cookíng oíl; usíng long-hándled tongs, líghtly coát the gríll ráck.
í wíll note- thís recípe mákes á TON. Perfect for á bíg bárbecue or outdoor get together. íf you’re not feedíng thát mány you cán eásíly dívíde the recípe ín hálf. álso, í díd use chícken thíghs ánd ít wás wonderful, but they áre fáttíer thán chícken breásts. (Thát’s why they táste so dáng good!) By áll meáns, íf you’re not á bíg lover of chícken thíghs you cán totálly use boneless, skínless breásts. Thát’s whát í ám goíng to try next tíme!
Grílled Hulí Hulí Chícken
Prep tíme: 8 hours Cook tíme: 16 míns Totál tíme: 8 hours 16 míns
Serves: 12
1 cup píneápple juíce
1 cup pácked brown sugár
¾ cup ketchup
¾ cup reduced-sodíum soy sáuce
⅓ cup chícken broth
2-1/2 teáspoons mínced fresh gínger
1-1/2 teáspoons mínced gárlíc
24 boneless skínless chícken thíghs (ábout 4 pounds) or 4 pounds boneless skínless chícken breásts
ín á medíum bowl, whísk together juíce, brown sugár, ketchup, soy sáuce, broth, gínger ánd gárlíc untíl combíned. Reserve 1-1/3 cups márínáde for bástíng. Cover ánd refrígeráte. Dívíde remáíníng márínáde between two lárge reseáláble plástíc bágs. ádd 12 chícken thíghs to eách; seál bágs ánd turn to coát. Refrígeráte for 6 hours or overníght.
Dráín ánd díscárd márínáde from chícken. Moísten á páper towel wíth cookíng oíl; usíng long-hándled tongs, líghtly coát the gríll ráck.
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