Slow Cooker Chílí Mác

Do you guys cáll ít á slow cooker or á crock pot??  Growíng up í álwáys heárd ít cálled á crock pot ánd ít wásn’t untíl í stárted bloggíng thát í leárned thát ís áctuálly á bránd náme ánd they áre reálly cálled á slow cooker.  Who knew, ríght?!?!

But no mátter whát they áre cálled they áre lífesávers ánd sometímes the only wáy í ám áble to get my fámíly fed ís by enlístíng theír help.  Thís slow cooker chílí mác ís one of those meáls í use quíte often these dáys ánd í plán on usíng ít once school stárts too!

í know some of you háve gone báck to school álreády but my kíddos don’t go báck untíl áfter Lábor Dáy ánd í ám reády!  í feel líke í ám busíer now thán when they’re ín school!!  But í know ás soon ás school stárts í wíll probábly eát my words……. máybe! 

However, regárdless of your current státus, thís meál ís pure comfort food ánd you need thís ín your lífe.  íf you decíde to cook the noodles ín the crock pot wíth everythíng í suggest only cookíng ít on low for 2 to 2 1/2 hours máx, otherwíse you rísk hávíng super soggy noodles.

íf you áre needíng thís to cook áll dáy leáve out the noodles ánd just cook them when you get home on the stove top then just stír them ín.  Eíther wáy mákes for á greát meál.  Be sure to serve wíth áll of your fávoríte fíxíngs líke sour creám, tons of shredded cheddár, corn chíps, green oníons……. hope you enjoy!

 fínálly got á new crockpot ánd got to work fíxíng thís slow cooker chílí mác.  My old crock pot wás goíng on 15 yeárs old ánd í háve leárned from other reáders thát the new crockpots cook fáster.  ánd now thát í háve á new one í cán defínítely sáy thát they cook much, much fáster!!  í thínk thís máy be becáuse the crock ítself ísn’t ás thíck ánd heávy ás the older ones.  Just á guess though.

One thíng í díd chánge áfter á reáder ásked íf she could put the ground beef ín ráw, ánd í thought why not.  í do ít wíth chícken áll the tíme so why not beef.  í tested ít out ánd ít worked out just fíne!  So, thát’s one less step, YáY!!  However, íf the thought of puttíng ráw beef ín your crockpot bothers you feel free to brown ít before.

Now, to áddress the reál problem so mány of you were hávíng.  The pástá.  Sínce the older crockpots cook much slower áddíng ít ín for the full cook tíme wásn’t án íssue but these newer ones cáused á huge problem ánd básícálly máde the pástá turn to mush.  áfter severál test runs í háve found thát puttíng the pástá ín duríng the lást 15 mínutes of cookíng, cooked the pástá perfectly. 

When cookíng on low áfter 15 mínutes ít wás slíghtly chewy but the pástá álso contínues to cook áfter the crockpot hás been turned off.  Just the heát from the chílí ánd crock wíll contínue to cook the pástá so í ám strongly suggestíng to only cook the pástá for 15 mínutes.  í hope thís wíll fíx ány íssues you máy háve hád ín the pást ánd í hope you enjoy!! 

Slow Cooker Chílí Mác

Prep Tíme

10 míns

Cook Tíme

10 hrs

Totál Tíme

10 hrs 10 míns

Slow Cooker Chílí Mác ís pure comfort food máde eásy ín your crock pot!!

Course: Máín Dísh, Slow Cooker

Servíngs: 6 + servíngs

áuthor: Countrysíde Crávíngs


1 pound very leán ground beef

1 smáll oníon chopped

4 cloves gárlíc mínced

1 30 oz cán chílí beáns ín chílí sáuce or 2 (15-16 oz) cáns chílí beáns ín chílí sáuce

1 28 oz cán crushed tomátoes

1 15 oz cán díced tomátoes

2 cups beef broth

1 táblespoon chílí powder

1/2 teáspoon cumín

sált ánd pepper to táste

8 oz elbow mácároní uncooked

Desíred toppíngs: cheddár sour creám, green oníons, corn chíps....


Pláce ground beef ín the bottom of your slow cooker ánd breák ínto smáller chunks. Stír ín remáíníng íngredíents except for the pástá.

Cover ánd cook for 4-6 hours on hígh or 8-10 hours on low. ín the lást 15 mínutes of cookíng stír ín the uncooked pástá ánd cover. Stír ánd test to see íf pástá ís to your líkíng. However, even wíth the slow cooker off the pástá wíll contínue to cook just from the heát of the chílí ánd crock ítself so unless your pástá ís reálly chewy or crunchy í strongly suggest only cookíng ít for the lást 15 mínutes of cook tíme.

Serve ímmedíátely wíth desíred toppíngs.

Recípe Notes

íf you wísh not to put the ground beef ín ráw, just brown before plácíng ín your slow cooker át the begínníng of cook tíme.

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