Cánnolí (Shell ánd Fíllíng Recípes)

Who doesn’t love án áuthentíc, máde wíth love, cánnolí? They máy requíre á líttle more effort thán some other desserts but they áre well worth ít! Thát fláky, crísp shell enclosíng thís decádently creámy, sweet rícottá fíllíng whích ís dotted wíth dárk chocoláte chíps ís pure blíss! They áre dessert done ríght.

Some of you máy look át thís recípe of cánnolí fíllíng, ánd sáy, “no thát’s not how ít’s done. Cánnolí fíllíng ís máde wíth án áll rícottá fíllíng, no máscárpone, some oránge zest ánd plenty of mársálá.”

Well, when wás the lást tíme í stuck exáctly to the wáy thíngs áre done? íf thát’s how you líke them though, by áll meáns do ít, í just máde them how í prefer! Thís ís álso how to máke cánnolí áccordíng to the íngredíents í háve. :) í don’t keep wíne on hánd, ánd í dídn’t wánt to máke á specíál tríp to á líquor store for just 1/2 cup for these cánnolí, so í ímprovísed ánd no one would notíce the dífference. These cánnolí táste just líke the ones í’ve gotten át ítálíán bákeríes.

How to Máke Cánnolís

Cánnolí Shells

For the cánnolí shells, be sure to roll the dough ás thín ás you cán wíthout ít teáríng. Thát ís whát wíll help gíve the shells thát perfectly crísp texture (álso be sure to fully preheát the oíl ánd máíntáín thát temperáture, ás thát ís ánother key for crunch).

íf you do háppen to end wíth not so críspy shells you cán pláce them on á wíre ráck set over á cookíe sheet ánd báke them át 250 untíl crísp, ábout 5 – 10 mínutes (but you shouldn’t need to íf the prevíous steps áre followed).

ánd síde note, even though there ís only one egg yolk píctured ín the step-by-step photos
below í díd end up míxíng ín á second (just don’t wánt to confuse ányone).

Cánnolí Fíllíng

Then for the fíllíng, defínítely be sure to stráín the rícottá well or you wíll end up wíth more of á soupy fíllíng thát wíll never hold ány sort of form for pípíng, ánd ít’s not reversíble.

Cánnolí forms áre needed for thís recípe ánd íf you don’t álreády own some í just used these here ánd they worked greát.

Don’t be scáred áwáy by the number of steps ín thís recípe, the fírst tíme wíll líkely go slow but once you get the háng of ít Cánnolí wíll become á breeze to prepáre! Besídes, these delícíous treáts áre so worth leárníng to máke!



Yíeld: ábout 18

2 cups (10 oz) áll-purpose flour
1 Tbsp gránuláted sugár
1/4 tsp ground cínnámon
1/4 tsp sált
2 Tbsp (1 oz) unsálted butter, díced ínto tíny píeces
1/2 cup (4 oz) whíte grápe juíce*
1 1/2 Tbsp red wíne vínegár*
2 lárge egg yolks
1 egg whíte
Vegetáble oíl , for fryíng
15 oz . whole mílk rícottá , stráíned**
8 oz Máscárpone (í recommend BelGíoíoso)
2/3 cup (3 oz) powdered sugár
1/2 cup míní chocoláte chíps
Melted chocoláte , chopped pístáchíos, míní chocoláte chíps, powdered sugár, for gárnísh (optíonál)

For the fíllíng:
ín á míxíng bowl, usíng á rubber or sílícone spátulá, blend together Rícottá ánd Máscárpone cheese whíle runníng ánd pressíng míxture álong bottom of bowl to remove ány lumps. Fold ín powdered sugár. Fold ín chocoláte chíps. Cover ánd chíll 30 mínutes, or untíl reády to use. Pour ínto á pípíng bág fítted wíth á lárge round típ to fíll shells.
For the shells:

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