Hígh-Proteín Low-Fát Vegán Táco Meát (Máde wíth Whole Foods)

Thís low-fát vegán táco meát ís líke no other you’ve seen before! ít’s máde of only whole foods, ís pácked wíth proteín, uses only 7 íngredíents ánd uses no oíl. The crumbly yet chewy texture ís spot on ánd mákes á perfect táco!

ás much ás we love á good bláck beán fíllíng, there ís álwáys thát crávíng for á trádítíonál crunchy “meáty” táco. Most of the optíons out there for thát perfect meáty texture áre máde of processed íngredíents…untíl now. Thís vegán táco fíllíng ísn’t too wet, so your crunchy tácos stáy crunchy, ít hás thát sígnáture crumbly texture, ánd you áre met wíth thát oh so perfect chew!


The short ánswer ís, lots ánd lots of tríál ánd error. í wánted thís máde of ONLY whole foods. No processed stuff. í álso wánted ít állergy fríendly, whích meáns no nuts. Fínálly, í wánted thís to háve á short líst of íngredíents. í náíled ít wíth 7 ámázíng whole foods, íncludíng the sált (technícálly you cán máke ít wíth 6 íf you use wáter ínsteád of broth!). Eách one contríbutes to thát spot on meáty texture:

dríed chíckpeás- thís wíll not work ás well wíth cánned. Reáson beíng, soákíng á dríed chíckpeá állows for á slíght chew ín the texture.

short gráín brown ríce- long gráín wíll not work here. The short gráín brown ríce hás thát perfect chew to ít, whích ís á huge párt of the texture ín thís vegán táco meát.

red oníon- ádds á depth of flávor remíníscent of reál crumbled táco meát.

veggíe broth- just enough to cook the oníon to thát prefect soft consístency ánd keep thís recípe low-fát ánd oíl free. Do not ádd ány more líquíd or ít wíll yíeld á mushíer end result. Don’t ásk me how í know. Ok fíne, MáNY errors. PS- you cán use wáter too íf you don’t háve broth ánd áre too lázy to go to the store (í leárned thís lesson ás well).

seásoníng- í use my new fávoríte homemáde táco seásoníng (ít hás án ímportánt secret íngredíent!), álso don’t forget to ádd your sált ás my homemáde táco seásoníng ís sált free.

breádcrumbs- í tríáled, ánd errored, mány optíons to help ábsorb thát lást bít of líquíd, ánd breádcrumbs were the stánd out wínner.

Top víew of food processor wíth vegán táco meát crumbles


Thís ídeá ís one of my most proud ínventíons. í seárched ánd seárched for somethíng out there ánd cáme up blánk, whích ís why í decíded to máke my own. Not only does thís háve no processed íngredíents, líke most of the reálly meáty textured optíons out there, but ít ís símple wíth only 7 íngredíents (íncludíng sált, ánd not tákíng ínto áccount the spíces used íf you máke your own táco seásoníng).

í reálly wánted á texture thát wás crumbly wíth á slíght chew to ít, but wásn’t “wet.” The problem wíth ít hávíng too much moísture ís thát when you máke the oven báked táco versíon of tácos, the shell gets moísture ín ít ánd you lose thát áwesome crunch. NO BUENO. ánd gross.


Thís low-fát vegán táco meát reálly ísn’t very complícáted to máke. Rememberíng to soák the chíckpeás the níght before ís the hárdest párt! íf you’re líke me, ánd you’ve hád three kíds thát stole your bráín, then rest well knowíng thát you cán eásíly get áwáy wíth soákíng them for 4 hours ánd be fíne.

So fírst we cook the ríce ánd chíckpeás.

Then we
pulse them ín á food processor wíth cooked red oníon ánd the táco seásoníng.

ánd then we BUíLD!

Lást, we devour. Hopefully ín sílence wíthout the word “MáMá!” beíng screámed át you every two seconds. PSá, íf you smother your táco ín jálápeños, the kíds won’t beg líke líttle puppy dogs for more (áká try ánd eát your dínner).

Hígh-Proteín Low-Fát Vegán Táco Meát (Máde wíth Whole Foods)

Thís low-fát vegán táco meát ís líke no other you've seen before! ít's máde of only whole foods, ís pácked wíth proteín, uses only 7 íngredíents ánd uses no oíl. The crumbly yet chewy texture ís spot on ánd mákes á perfect táco!

Prep Tíme  4 míns
Cook Tíme 26 míns
Totál Tíme 30 míns

Course: Máín Course
Cuísíne: gluten-free, Mexícán, oíl-free, vegán
Servíngs: 6
Cáloríes: 130 kcál
áuthor: Sophíá DeSántís

Táco meát:
½ cup dríed chíckpeás soáked overníght (meásure before soákíng)
¼ cup short gráín brown ríce (see note)
½ cup chopped red oníon
¾ teáspoon seá sált (see note)
5 táblespoons táco seásoníng (store bought or homemáde)
¼ cup veggíe broth , low sodíum íf needed (you cán álso use wáter íf you don't háve broth)
2 táblespoons breádcrumbs , gluten free íf needed
12 críspy táco shells or soft táco sízed tortíllás (you cán álso máke your own críspy shells)
Cheese Sáuce
Fresh Mexícán Sálsá
Vegán Sour Creám
Shredded lettuce
Chopped tomátoes
Chopped red oníon
Míld nácho píckled jálápeño slíces
Fresh jálápeño slíces
US Customáry - Metríc

Put the ríce ín á medíum sízed pot ánd fíll ít wíth wáter, máke sure you háve plenty of wáter so thát when you ádd the chíckpeás ít wíll cover them.
Pártíálly cover ánd bríng to á boíl (ábout 7-8 mínutes, dependíng on stove top).
Turn the heát down to medíum ánd cook pártíálly covered án áddítíonál 10 mínutes (should be ábout 17-18 mínutes totál ríce cookíng tíme). The texture of the ríce should be just begínníng to get chewy, not hárd but not fully cooked.
ádd the soáked chíckpeás ánd cook án áddítíonál 8 mínutes.
Dráín ánd rínse ánd ímmedíátely put the míxture ín á food processor. Máke sure you háve dráíned ít well so there ísn’t ány resíduál wáter ín the food processor.
ádd the táco seásoníng ínto the food processor ánd pulse once or twíce to combíne. áddíng the táco seásoníng ín ríght áwáy when the míxture ís hot, állows the flávors to meld together well.
Whíle the ríce ánd beáns áre boílíng, you cán cook the oníon ín á sepáráte pán, or you cán wáít untíl they áre done cookíng ánd use the sáme pot to cook the oníon ín.
Sáute the chopped oníon wíth sált ánd veggíe broth over medíum heát for ábout 4-5 mínutes, untíl ít ís soft ánd most of the líquíd hás eváporáted.
Tránsfer oníon míxture ínto the food processor.
Pulse untíl you get á níce crumble. ádd breádcrumbs ánd pulse 2-3 more tímes to íncorporáte.
Put ínto á bowl, gíve ít á good míx ánd állow ít to settle ín the frídge for át leást 30 mínutes. Thís helps the flávors ánd texture fully develop. íf you áre eátíng ít thát dáy, you cán álso let ít settle on the countertop so thát you don’t háve to reheát ít.
For eásy oven báked críspy tácos:
Fíll hárd tortíllá shells wíth á líttle bít of the táco meát, top wíth 1-2 táblespoons of cheese sáuce, íf usíng. Then cover wíth more táco meát. Thís helps the cheese sáuce stáy áwáy from the táco shell so the shell does not become soggy when bákíng.

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