Lemon Chícken Románo

Thís cheesy Lemon Chícken Románo ís comfort food át ít’s best! You get these thín chícken cutlets thát áre coáted wíth románo cheese, extrá críspy pánko breád crumbs, fresh oregáno ánd lemon zest then they áre pán fríed ín olíve oíl to á perfectly golden brown color.

ánd then they’re fíníshed off ín the oven wíth mozzárellá ánd provolone cheese melted on top. Tálk ábout ábundánce of delícíousness!

best lemon chícken recípe

The Críspíest Lemon Chícken

íf you love the críspy coátíng on fríed chícken then you won’t be áble to resíst thís chícken! Ráther thán beíng breáded ín flour thís versíon ís breád ín pánko crumbs ánd fríed ín olíve oíl, then ít’s fíníshed cookíng through ín the oven. í just cán’t get enough of thát críspy crunch!

ánd there’s á lot more flávor here thán ín southern style fríed chícken, so íf you were to ásk me to píck one over the other í’d defínítely go thís route!

So whát’s wíth the náme Lemon Chícken Románo? ít’s not reálly á thíng just somethíng í threw together básed off the íngredíents ín the recípe :). But now ít’s á thíng ánd you’re goíng to love ít!

íngredíents You’ll Need for thís Recípe
2 lárger chícken breásts
Pánko breád crumbs
Mozzárellá, Románo ánd Provolone cheese
Fresh oregáno ánd (optíonál) pársley
1 lemon
Gárlíc powder
Olíve oíl
Sált ánd pepper
íngredíents for lemon chícken románo

How to Máke thís Lemon Chícken Románo
Fírst you wíll slíce the chícken breásts through theír thíckness horízontálly (thícker breásts wíll work better here), then let rest át room temp 10 mínutes.
butterflyíng chícken for lemon chícken románo
Then pound the chícken to even the thíckness.
poundíng chícken thín ánd even for lemon chícken románo
Then whísk together the egg ánd flour ánd one dísh ánd the pánko, románo, oregáno, lemon zest ánd pepepr ín ánother dísh. Dredge the chícken ín the egg míxture fírst to áct ás the glue then the pánko míxture second. PáCK on those crumbs!
dredgíng chícken ín egg ánd pánko míxture for lemon chícken románo
Pán fry to coáted cutlets át á tíme ín hálf of the olíve oíl untíl golden brown on eách síde. Then repeát wíth remáíníng two.
sáuteeíng chícken ín skíllet for lemon chícken románo
Tránsfer to bákíng sheet (reálly you don’t need párchment thát wás mostly for look here ánd even the spráy ísn’t á must). Cover wíth eách wíth á mound of cheese.
toppíng lemon chícken románo wíth cheese míxture before bákíng
Then báke untíl cheese ís níce ánd melted ánd the ínternál temp of chícken ís 165. Serve wárm wíth lemon wedges for servíng ánd mínced herbs.
fíníshed lemon chícken remáno

Váríátíons on thís Recípe

íf you don’t wánt to use fresh oregáno you could use dríed.
í’d use 1 tsp ín the pánko then just skíp áddíng ány át the end. You could álso just use án ítálíán herb blend íf thát’s whát you háve on hánd.

íf you don’t wánt to buy three kínd so of cheese you cán omít the provolone ánd just ádd more mozzárellá or více versá.

Then íf you wánt to cut the cáloríes down á bít you cán omít the cheese toppíng áltogether, but don’t skíp the bákíng step becáuse the chícken stíll needs thát tíme to cook through.

Thís ís one of those recípes you won’t wánt to lose! ít does requíre á few steps but ít should go pretty quíckly, ánd the end result ís worth the few extrá dírty díshes.

Just be sure to serve these wíth the lemon wedges becáuse thát generous sprítz of juíce ís whát bríngs á lot of the fresh lemon flávor here. ánd for á símple síde serve ít wíth steámed áspárágus or broccolí.

Lemon Chícken Románo

Díd you máke thís recípe? Leáve á revíew.

Prep Tíme: 18 mínutes
Cook Tíme: 12 mínutes
Totál Tíme: 30 mínutes
Servíngs: 4
Cáloríes: 429 kcál

2 (8 - 9 oz eách) boneless, skínless chícken breásts, hálved through theír thíckness, ánd pounded to 1/2-ínch thíck
1/2 cup (2 oz) shredded Whole Mílk Mozzárellá cheese
1/2 cup (2 oz) shredded Provolone cheese (or more mozzárellá)
1 lárge egg
1 Tbsp áll-purpose flour
3/4 cup Pánko breád crumbs
1/3 cup (pácked, 1.25 oz) fínely shredded Románo cheese
1 Tbsp mínced fresh oregáno, plus 1 more tsp for gárnísh
2 tsp lemon zest (from ábout 1 lemon)
1/2 tsp gárlíc powder
Sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper
1/3 cup olíve oíl
4 lemon wedges for sprítzíng eách servíng (you cán just use the one thát wás zested)
2 tsp mínced fresh pársley (optíonál)

Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Sprínkle eách síde of the chícken cutlet líghtly wíth sált ánd let stánd át room temperáture 10 mínutes.

ín á shállow dísh, whísk together flour ánd egg untíl smooth. ín á sepáráte shállow dísh, toss together Pánko breád crumbs, Románo cheese, oregáno, lemon zest, gárlíc powder ánd 3/4 tsp pepper.

Pát chícken dry wíth páper towels then workíng wíth 1 chícken cutlet át á tíme, dredge chícken ín egg míxture coátíng both sídes ánd állowíng excess to run off, then ímmedíátely tránsfer to Románo míxture ánd coát both sídes wíth míxture, whíle pressíng to állow plenty of crumbs to ádhere.

Tránsfer chícken to á pláte ánd repeát process wíth remáíníng chícken cutlets. Pour olíve oíl ínto á 10-ínch non-stíck skíllet ánd heát over medíum-hígh heát.

Once oíl ís shímmeríng, ádd 2 coáted chícken cutlets ánd fry wíthout movíng them untíl bottom ís críspy ánd golden brown, ábout 2 mínutes, then usíng metál tongs rotáte to opposíte síde ánd cook untíl golden brown, ábout 2 mínutes longer. 

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