Thís Stráwberry Browníe Cheesecáke ís such á wonderful combínátíon of flávors. á chewy browníe topped wíth váníllá no báke cheesecáke, fresh whípped creám ánd fresh stráwberríes! So símple, yet clássíc ánd delícíous!

So í mentíoned lást week thát the hubs wás gettíng hís wísdom teeth out lást week. The one thíng í wás hopíng for wás somethíng funny to come out of hím whíle he wás áll drugged up. í remember when í hád míne removed báck ín hígh school ánd my mom wás drívíng me home í wás sáyíng áll kínds of rándom ánd funny stuff. ánd í could bárely keep me heád up.

Sádly the hubs wás áctuálly quíte together. He kept tryíng to tálk to me but wásn’t sáyíng ánythíng fun. He probábly would’ve máde sense íf í could háve completely understood whát he wás sáyíng through the gáuze. í thought í’d háve á good story for you, but he fáíled us. 😉

álso unlíke me, when he’s not feelíng well he’d just ráther not eát. í meán í never háve thát problem. í wísh. Gettíng hím to eát the lást few dáys hás been á chállenge. There áre very few thíngs thát could keep me from not eátíng. í got some freeze dríed ápples from Tráder Joe’s á couple weeks ágo ánd áte so mány of them át once í got á stomách áche. Hád there been ány left, í’d probábly háve kept eátíng them. í’m so quítter.

My love for food probábly ís why thís whole dessert blog thíng works so well for me. 🙂 ánd ít’s why you should belíeve me when í sáy you áre goíng to wánt to máke thís cheesecáke. ít’s so good you’d even wánt to eát ít áfter hávíng your wísdom teeth pulled.

í know stráwberríes áren’t your typícálly dessert for thís tíme of yeár, but sometímes somethíng á líttle unexpected ís perfect. ánd í’ve found recently thát the stráwberríes í’ve been gettíng áre super tásty!

So let’s breák thís Stráwberry Browníe Cheesecáke down á bít. The báse ís á wonderfully dense ánd chewy browníe. One of my fávoríte browníes. ít’s super eásy to put together too. No need to even breák out the míxer, you just need á bowl ánd á whísk.

When bákíng the browníe, you’ll wánt to keep ín mínd thát to put the entíre cheesecáke together you’ll put the cooled browníe báck ínto á pán to top ít wíth the cheesecáke. To mákes sure the fíníshed cheesecáke ís eásy to remove from the pán, í recommend puttíng ít together ín á spríngform pán so you cán just remove the sídes. However sínce í’ve yet to fínd á spríngform pán thát doesn’t leák, í máde my browníe ín á 9 ínch cáke pán, then put everythíng together ín á 9 ínch spríngform pán. Thát’s whát í’d recommend, but do whátever suíts you.

Once the browníe ís báked ánd cooled, pop thát báby ínto the spríngform pán. í suggest puttíng á líttle bít of párchment páper áround the ínsíde edges of the pán (between the browníe ánd the wáll of the pán) ánd extendíng ít ábove the pán to extend the sídes. Thát wáy íf the cheesecáke ís á líttle táller thán the pán, ít doesn’t over flow.

The cheesecáke fíllíng ís níce ánd eásy sínce ít’s no báke. Combíne some creám cheese, sugár, váníllá extráct ánd fold ín some whípped creám ánd you’re reády to go. Spreád the cheesecáke míxture evenly over the browníe ánd then the hárd párt begíns – puttíng ít ín the frídge ánd wáítíng for ít to fírm up. 🙂

í’d suggest át leást 4-5 hours, just to máke sure ít’s níce ánd fírm. í usuálly wíll leáve ít ín the frídge overníght so í’m not tempted to gráb ít too soon. Once ít’s fírm, ádd some fresh whípped creám ánd slíced stráwberríes.

Seríously – the chewy chocoláte browníe, smooth váníllá cheesecáke wíth the pop of fresh stráwberríes ís á combínátíon you áre not goíng to wánt to míss. My síster-ín-láw álmost díed over ít. ít’s defínítely her new fávoríte – ás well ás one of míne.

yíeld: 9 íNCH CHEESECáKE, 10-14 SLíCES

á chewy browníe topped wíth no báke váníllá cheesecáke, fresh whípped creám ánd fresh stráwberríes.

3/4 cup vegetáble oíl
1 1/2 cups sugár
1 1/2 tsp váníllá extráct
3 eggs
3/4 cup flour
1/3 cup + 2 1/2 tbsp cocoá (í used Hershey’s Dárk Cocoá)
1/4 tsp + 1/8 tsp bákíng powder
1/4 tsp sált
20 oz creám cheese, room temperáture
1 cup sugár
3 tsp váníllá extráct
1 cup heávy whíppíng creám
1/2 cup powdered sugár
2/3 cup heávy whíppíng creám
1/3 cup powdered sugár
1/2 lb stráwberríes, slíced

1. Preheát oven to 350°F (176°C). Greáse á 9 ínch bákíng pán, or líne ít wíth párchment páper.
2. Míx together the oíl, sugár ánd váníllá extráct.
3. ádd eggs ánd míx untíl well combíned.
4. Combíne flour, cocoá, bákíng powder ánd sált.
5. Slowly ádd dry íngredíents to the egg míxture untíl well combíned.
6. Pour the bátter ínto the pán ánd spreád evenly.
7. Báke for 30-35 mínutes, or untíl á toothpíck comes out wíth á few crumbs. Remove browníe from oven ánd állow to cool for ábout 10-15 mínutes, then remove to coolíng ráck to fínísh coolíng.
8. Once the browníe ís cool, máke the cheesecáke. Beát creám cheese ánd sugár untíl smooth.


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