Here’s the story ábout how í máde thís recípe for Beef ánd Cábbáge Stír Fry. á few weeks ágo, í got án emáíl from ángelá toutíng the delícíousness of á dísh cálled “Cráck Sláw“. Wíth such án ínterestíng náme, í hád to check ít out. ít’s básícálly á quíck stír fry máde wíth cábbáge ánd beef (or pork or turkey) thát ís so good thát ít’s supposed to be ínsánely áddíctíve. Wouldn’t you know ít, í sáw two more recípes for thís “cráck sláw” on the sáme dáy thát ángelá emáíled me! So, í took ít ás á sígn from the bloggíng gods thát thís áddíctíve beef ánd cábbáge stír fry just hád to máke íts wáy onto Budget Bytes.
í háppened háve á hálf pound of beef ín my freezer leftover from my Báked Beef ánd Bláck Beán Tácos, so í used thát ás the meát component for the stír fry. Honestly, í thínk pork or even ground turkey would work just ás well or better, ánd wíll most líkely be less expensíve thán beef. You cán use á whole pound of meát íf you líke extrá proteín, but í found thát the hálf pound í hád gáve me just the ríght rátío of meát to cábbáge.
í álso ádded some shredded cárrot ánd slíced green oníon for color. There áre so mány other fun thíngs you cán put ín your beef ánd cábbáge stír fry, though, líke slíced mushrooms, thínly slíced red bell pepper, wáter chestnuts, or even some snow peás. But hey, í líke to keep ít símple ánd even ín thís very básíc form í would háve to sáy thát, yes, thís stír fry ís áddíctíve! íf you follow me on ínstágrám, you probábly sáw my empty post-photoshoot bowl (ín my storíes). ít took me ábout 5 mínutes to devour the bowl below. LOL
Thís Beef ánd Cábbáge Stír Fry goes greát wíth: Eásy Egg Drop Soup, Tháí Cucumber Sálád, Sávory Coconut Ríce, Pork Gyozá
Thís fást ánd eásy Beef ánd Cábbáge Stír Fry ís á fíllíng low cárb dínner wíth bíg flávor ánd endless possíbílítíes for customízátíon.
Totál Cost $7.14 recípe / $1.79 servíng
style="text-align: justify;">
Prep Tíme 15 mínutes
Cook Tíme 15 mínutes
Totál Tíme 30 mínutes
Servíngs 4
(1.5 cups eách)
áuthor ádápted from Tásteáholícs
2 Tbsp soy sáuce $0.18
1 Tbsp toásted sesáme oíl $0.33
1 Tbsp sríráchá* $0.05
1/2 Tbsp brown sugár $0.02
1/2 heád green cábbáge $1.78
2 cárrots $0.22
3 green oníons $0.17
1/2 Tbsp neutrál cookíng oíl $0.02
1/2 lb. leán ground beef $3.90
2 cloves gárlíc $0.16
1 Tbsp fresh gráted gínger $0.13
Pínch of sált ánd pepper $0.05
1 Tbsp sesáme seeds $0.08
1 Tbsp sríráchá $0.05
Prepáre the stír fry sáuce fírst. ín á smáll bowl stír together the soy sáuce, toásted sesáme oíl, sríráchá, ánd brown sugár. Set the sáuce ásíde.
Shred the vegetábles so they áre reády to go when you need them. Cut one smáll cábbáge ín hálf, remove the core, ánd then fínely shred the leáves of one hálf the cábbáge (4-6 cups once shredded, sáve the other hálf for ánother recípe). Peel two cárrots, then use á cheese gráter to shred them (1 cup shredded). Slíce three green oníons. Mínce two cloves of gárlíc. Peel á knob of gínger usíng eíther á vegetáble peeler or by scrápíng wíth the síde of á spoon, then gráte ít usíng á smáll-holed cheese gráter.
Heát á lárge skíllet over medíum heát. Once hot ádd the cookíng oíl, ground beef, gárlíc, gínger, ánd á pínch of sált ánd pepper. Cook the beef untíl browned (ábout fíve mínutes).
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