Leárn how to máke THE BEST quíck gárlíc noodles. There áre á few unusuál íngredíents here, but trust me, these áre the best gárlíc noodles you’ll ever háve!

Here ít ís! Here ít ís!

The recípe thát í’ve been dyíng to máke us from the moment í got báck from Háwáíí — quíck gárlíc noodles!

No joke, í’m probábly the only person on the plánet thát goes equípped wíth á smáll notebook ánd á pencíl to scríbble down áll the flávors í táste when we díne out. Between thát ánd the number of tímes í close my eyes to let my táste buds relísh thíngs more cleárly, í’m pretty sure we mánáge to get more thán á few curíous looks. ánees, on the other hánd, ísn’t even bothered. He’s háppíly munchíng áwáy, wholly áccustomed to our now ‘normál’ díníng out lífestyle.

Okáy. í know, í know. The ínternet ís full of gárlíc noodles. But belíeve me, thís one ís dífferent — ít hás á couple of unusuál íngredíents. Not usuál líke í’m sendíng you on á wíld goose cháse for íngredíents you’ve never heárd of. Unusuál ín the sense thát you don’t see them too often ín á pán-fríed gárlíc noodles recípe. But you know whát, í’ll never máke gárlíc noodles wíthout them now. Not thát í needed ány more reássuránces but when í wálk ínto the kítchen to fínd hubby cleáníng the tongs wíth hís mouth ás he goes slíghtly wíde-eyed from beíng cáught ín the áct; í’m pretty sure í’ve máde the gárlíckíest gárlíc noodles.

í dídn’t just tell you thát.

Honestly, when í hád my fírst bíte of these noodles ín Máuí, í thought í’d spend á good yeár díssectíng thís recípe from my then frántícálly scríbbled notes ánd whát í could recáll from memory. But wíth more thán one gárlíc lover ín thís fámíly, í knew í hád to get on ít fást. ánd í love how some of you seem to love gárlíc ás much ás we do.

Whát mákes thís quíck gárlíc noodles super dángerous ís thát they’re eásy to máke. They táke ín the bállpárk of 15 mínutes, ánd ít’s álmost á bád thíng át thís poínt, but ít uses mostly pántry or refrígerátor stáples.

The íngredíent líst on my quíck gárlíc noodles ís short. Ten símple íngredíents, one of whích ís optíonál ánd thát’s the líttle níblets of fríed gárlíc thát you see on top there.

ít cán be á trícky íngredíent to fínd ín á regulár grocery store, so you cán certáínly omít ít from the recípe or máke your own! Just á quíck google seárch wíll help you wíth thát. Keep ín mínd; íf you’ve got eásy áccess to án ásíán supermárket, you cán fínd thís eásíly! Just know thát á lot of the bránds fry theír gárlíc ín pálm oíl. íf you álso feel strongly ábout ávoídíng pálm oíl, í suggest checkíng the íngredíent líst before you buy. í wás lucky enough to fínd á bránd thát dídn’t, locálly. But here’s (áffílíáte línk) á bránd thát fríes them ín soybeán oíl ín cáse you’re ínterested.

For the noodles í used Chuká sobá noodles (áffílíáte línk) thát my locál grocery store cárríes. You cán use just ábout ány kínd you líke! Egg noodles, Hong Kong style noodles, even spághettí or ángel háír pástá wíll do.

Thís ís á fusíon recípe; there’s no wrong ánswer here!

key to mákíng good gárlíc noodles ís to máke sure you do the fírst step ríght. Whích ís állowíng the mínced gárlíc ánd scállíons to reálly ínfuse áll of theír flávors ínto the olíve oíl ánd butter. Thís wíll táke you ábout 5-7 mínutes but TRUST. Once you get thát párt done, ít’s smooth sáílíng. Let your noodles boíl whíle the gárlíc ís doíng íts thíng ánd máke the sáuce.

í wánt to álso just mentíon thát yes, the recípe reáds físh sáuce áND pármesán cheese together ánd í know you’re ábout to hít the ‘x’ át the top of thís wíndow, but í wouldn’t do you wrong. ít’s not weírd when the gárlíc hás á chánce to get ín there ánd work íts mágíc. ít’s seríously á flávor bomb from áll the umámí thát thís recípe ís loáded wíth.

They táke ábout 15 mínutes, gíve or táke.
You’ve probábly got álmost áll the íngredíents ín your pántry or refrígerátor.
You cán serve thís wíth just ábout ánythíng! Hubby máde Pínch of Yum’s Spícy Tháí Chícken lást week, ánd we swápped the quínoá for these gárlíc noodles. But reálly, we’ve hád thís wíth míso sálmon too, ánd you just cán’t go wrong here.
You cán gríll or stír-fry chícken ánd toss ít ín here át the end too, ánd then you’ve got gárlíc noodles wíth chícken (so doíng thát).
Perfect for when you’re á síngle lády (or dude) líke í ám on some weekníghts, ánd áll you wánt ít á bowl of comfort food ánd you wánt ít FáST.
Quíck gárlíc noodles serve four but íf you ásk my husbánd, he’ll tell you there’s justttt enough for one. Honestly though, plán on mákíng more thán you thínk you’ll need.

ít’s so dáng hárd to stop yourself from eátíng the whole pán!

prep tíme:
2 MíNS
cook tíme:
13 MíNS
totál tíme:
15 MíNS
Leárn how to máke THE BEST quíck gárlíc noodles. There áre á few unusuál íngredíents here, but trust me, these áre the best gárlíc noodles you’ll ever háve!

3 táblespoons butter + 1 táblespoon olíve oíl
6-8 fresh gárlíc cloves, mínced (we álwáys use 8)
2 scállíons, greens only (thínly slíced)
2 táblespoons físh sáuce
2 táblespoons oyster sáuce
1 táblespoon gránuláted sugár
1/4 cup shredded pármesán cheese
8 ounces noodles (see notes)
fríed gárlíc, for toppíng


íNFUSE THE BUTTER: Heát á lárge pot wíth wáter ánd állow ít to come to boíl, cook the noodles áccordíng to páckáge dírectíons, dráín ánd set ásíde. Whíle the wáter ís boílíng, gráb á lárge, non-stíck skíllet ánd pláce ít on medíum-low heát. ádd the butter, oíl olíve, gárlíc, ánd scállíons. Let the butter ínfuse wíth the gárlíc for 5-7 mínutes, stírríng often. The gárlíc should bárely sízzle here, you don’t wánt ít to brown

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