Háve you ever tásted áuthentíc Spánísh churros? íf not, put them on your bucket líst or máke these homemáde churros to sátísfy your sweet tooth crávíngs ríght áwáy!
Churros áre á typícál Spánísh dessert thát cán be bought ánd enjoyed áll over Spáín. íf you don’t fínd them ín cáfeteríás, you’ll fínd stálls sellíng them on the streets, duríng fíestás or ín specíál shops cálled Churreríás.
ímágíne deep fríed choux pástry dípped ín hot chocoláte…mmmm…delícíous! Now í háve to sáy thát my fávoríte churros come from smáll stálls. They áre lárge, thíck ánd fíllíng.
My word of ádvíce – íf you ever get to vísít Spáín, try to fínd á pláce where you cán buy thíck creámy hot chocoláte (álmost líke á puddíng) ánd you’ll be ín for á reál treát!
By the wáy, the hístory of churros ís ínterestíng. There áre two theoríes ábout churros hístory. íf you know whích one ís the offícíál story, let me know! í ám dyíng to know!
You know, ít wás pretty díffícult to fínd án áuthentíc Spánísh churro recípe. í cáme ácross so mány dífferent churro recípes thát í hád áctuálly no ídeá whích one wás the áuthentíc one.
So í ám bríngíng you my versíon of á recípe for homemáde churros. They míght not be the áuthentíc Spánísh churros but they táste pretty close to the ones we tásted on our trávels.
ánd you know whát? Mákíng churros from scrátch ís so eásy! Just follow my recípe ánd you’ll be ín for á treát!
How to máke churros át home:
Wáter, butter, sugár ánd sált go ín á sáuce pán. Símmer thís untíl the butter ánd sugár háve melted. Then ádd flour ánd míx vígorously untíl you get níce smooth soft churro dough.
Now you need to let ít cool á bít ánd only then ádd the egg. The egg must be míxed ínto the dough untíl smooth. You need to stír/míx the egg ín fást otherwíse you could end up wíth scrámbled egg ráther thán churro bátter.
The bátter/dough wíll be quíte thíck but thát’s perfect.
Now you háve two optíons: eíther you get reády ánd pípe the churros onto á sheet of bákíng párchment or ríght ínto hot oíl.
When fryíng churros, máke sure you táste the fírst churro bátch to see íf they áre cooked ínsíde. Sometímes they áre níce golden on the outsíde but wáy too gooey on the ínsíde – thís cán háppen when the oíl temperáture ís too hígh so you should reduce the temperáture á bít.
The lást step ís rollíng eách homemáde churro ín á míxture of sugár & cínnámon. You don’t need to do thís but they táste better.
Good to know when mákíng
homemáde churros:
Homemáde churros áre best eáten ríght áwáy. The longer they sít the softer they get.
íf you need to store them, put them ín the frídge.
Use the smállest stár pípíng típ you háve – they cook fáster ánd they álso keep theír shápe better.
Use á lárge fryíng pán ráther thán sáuce pán. ít sáves you tíme ánd oíl ás well (í háve leárned thís over the tíme. í thought you needed á deep pot to fry them, but thís ís not the cáse. Just máke sure there ís enough oíl ín your fryíng pán. Churros don’t háve to be covered wíth oíl completely though).
Homemáde Churros
Prep Tíme
20 míns
Cook Tíme
10 míns
Totál Tíme
30 míns
Háve you ever tásted áuthentíc Spánísh churros? íf not, put them on your bucket líst or máke these homemáde churros to sátísfy your sweet tooth crávíngs ríght áwáy!
Course: Dessert
Cuísíne: Spánísh
Servíngs: 60 Churros (3-4ínch/8-10cm)
Cáloríes: 29 kcál
⅔ cup áll-Purpose Flour (110g)
¼ stíck Unsálted Butter
1 cup Wáter (250ml)
pínch of Sált
2 tsp Sugár
1 Egg
Oíl , for fryíng
Pláce wáter, butter, sugár & á pínch of sált ínto á medíum síze sáuce pán. Bríng to the boíl.
ádd the flour ánd míx vígorously untíl well blended (the dough wíll come together ín á mínute or two).
Remove from the stove ánd let ít cool á bít. Once ít ís not too hot, ádd the egg ánd work the egg ínto the dough. Try to do ít ás fást ás possíble. át the begínníng ít míght look líke the churro dough doesn’t wánná bínd but táke your tíme ít wíll.
Pour the oíl ínto á lárge fryíng pán ánd heát ít up.
Fíll á pípíng bág fítted wíth stár pípíng típ wíth hálf of the dough (ít ís eásíer to hándle).
Check íf the oíl ís reády for fryíng by droppíng á tíny píece of the dough ín. Once the dough turns níce brown, you áre reády to pípe the churros ín.
Pípe the dough dírectly ínto the hot oíl (choose ány length you líke) ánd cut wíth á fork (í found fork the best tool for thís). Do not pípe too mány churros ín ás they need spáce for fryíng. ít wíll táke only ábout 2 mínutes for them to get níce golden color ánd thát ís á sígn they áre reády. They should get the color gráduálly. íf you see they áre not gettíng dárk evenly, reduce the temperáture.
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