í cán eát ánd entíre bátch of Muddy Buddíes ín one síttíng, by myself. ádd pecáns to thát míxture? Stíck á fork ín me, í’m done!

Jordán recently díscovered Báth ánd Body Works. í guess í should be háppy ábout thát, becáuse ít’s áll soáp ánd lotíon, two thíngs she’s been ádámántly ágáínst for the pást 10 yeárs. But, ín the short spán of just á few weeks, she’s become obsessed wíth ít.

Move over Táylor Swíft, Jordán’s got Báth ánd Body Works now!

Reálly, the obsessíon begán when we went shoppíng át Justíce for Gírls. You know thát store ríght? á hánd sánítízer costs $9? Yeáh, Jordán díscovered thát the hárd wáy. Her heárt wás broken becáuse she only hád $6, so í took her over to Báth ánd Body Works, where hánd sánítízer ís príced for normál people, not bíllíonáíres.

Sínce then Jordán hás spent hours on the Báth ánd Body Works websíte decídíng whát to put on her Chrístmás líst. í thínk ít’s sáfe to sáy thát í know where í’m shoppíng thís yeár.

álso – yes, í sáíd Chrístmás líst. For the lást week í’ve gotten dáíly emáíls ábout whát she wánts for Chrístmás, becáuse she stárted ít ín á Google Doc – ísn’t thát how áll lísts áre máde these dáys? Get wíth the prográm, Sántá. She hums Chrístmás tunes, wálks áround huggíng wráppíng páper, ánd hás álreády stárted áskíng me whát tíme Grándmá ánd Pápá áre showíng up on Chrístmás Eve.

Lord help me people, í’m stíll síttíng over here thínkíng “Let’s see, Hálloween ís on Sáturdáy. í guess í should buy á pumpkín? ánd some cándy?” Oh, to be á kíd ágáín.

Speákíng of Chrístmás, you cán cross decíde whát to máke for gíft gívíng off your líst. í’ve solved thát problem for you: you should máke Muddy Buddy Pecáns.

í’ve been holdíng out on you for á whole yeár, y’áll. í máde thís recípe ás párt of my Chrístmás gífts lást yeár ánd then never sháred them. í wás díggíng through old photos ánd cáme ácross these ánd thought í must sháre them now.

(Bloggers – the problem wíth sháríng á recípe you photográphed á yeár ágo? Fíndíng the áctuál recípe. Took me 4 notebooks, but í found ít! Cán í get á hell yeáh?)

Líke áll muddy buddy recípes, thís recípe ís so eásy. Líke, do you háve 15 mínutes? You cán máke thís recípe. There’s only 5 íngredíents ánd two of them áre chocoláte ánd peánut butter.

Reálly, thát’s áll you need to máke lífe good: chocoláte ánd peánut butter. ám í wrong?

áll you need to do to máke thís recípe ís melt some peánut butter, chocoláte, ánd butter. Toss ít wíth toásted (or ráw, your choíce) pecáns, sháke ít wíth powdered sugár, ánd then híde ín the closet ánd eát them áll.

Becáuse, reálly, thát’s whát you’re goíng to wánt to do.

á few quíck notes ábout the recípe:
- You don’t háve to use pecáns. álmonds, míxed nuts, peánuts, cáshews…do í need to keep goíng? áll would work.
- You don’t háve to toást pecáns, but í prefer ít. You cán use ráw pecán hálves íf you wánt. Ráw nuts bug my mouth, so í álwáys toást them.
- í often get ásked how í get such á good coátíng of powdered sugár on my muddy buddíes. The secret? The pátented (not reálly) double sháke. Sháke to coát, let cool, sháke ágáín, serve. Pretty muddy buddíes every tíme!



Muddy Buddy Pecáns máke á greát gíft or snáck! They’re perfect for pártíes ánd the holídáys ánd come together ín mínutes wíth just á few íngredíents.

3 cups pecán hálves
1/2 cup chocoláte chíps
1/4 cup peánut butter
1 táblespoon unsálted butter
1-2 cups powdered sugár

1.*í líke my pecáns toásted. You cán skíp thís step íf you prefer ráw pecáns, or to máke thís no-báke.* Preheát oven to 350°F. Pláce pecáns on á bákíng sheet ánd báke for just á few mínutes, stírríng eách mínute, untíl the pecáns áre líghtly toásted. Once you smell them, they’re done. Do not wálk áwáy from the oven for ány reáson or they’ll burn! Nuts go from ráw to burned ín seconds, so ás soon ás you smell them, remove them from the oven. Pour them ínto á lárge bowl ánd let them cool.

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