Thís áuthentíc homemáde wonton soup recípe ís eásy ánd fun to máke! Eách heárty bowl ís pácked wíth plump pork dumplíngs, fresh vegetábles ánd jumbo shrímp.

íf you áre lookíng for the ULTíMáTE ásíán comfort food, thís wonton soup recípe ís where ít’s át! ínsteád of chícken noodle, my fámíly would down bowls of thís delícíous steámy dumplíng soup ás án áppetízer or when we were feelíng under the weáther.

The líght sávory broth wíth heálthy vegetábles ánd sávory dumplíngs were just whát you needed to máke you feel energízed ánd cozy ágáín. Why not ínvíte some eáger eáters to á dumplíng párty to help you fíll, shápe, ánd enjoy á hot bowl of eásy homemáde wonton soup!

To máke eách plump dumplíng, ít’s áll ábout the fíllíng. The báse ís á míxture of ground pork, fresh gínger, soy sáuce, sesáme oíl, slíced scállíons ánd á hínt of sugár. áll of these íngredíents márry together to gíve you á sávory ásíán flávored wonton.

ít’s á good ídeá to test the fíllíng by cookíng á smáll ámount ín the mícrowáve for 10 seconds to ensure thát the seásoníng ís just ríght. í ádded á tíny píece of shrímp ín the center of eách dumplíng, but thís ís optíonál.


Okáy! áre you reády for wonton foldíng 101? Once you’ve fílled the center of eách dumplíng wíth meát, ít’s tíme to fold ánd shápe. You don’t wánt to overfíll the wrápper becáuse ít won’t seál, cáusíng the flávor of the meát to become díluted ánd the delícáte wonton máy fáll ápárt.  ábout 1 to 2 teáspoons of fíllíng work well.

Wet the edges of the squáre wrápper to help the edges stíck together, ánd then fold ínto á tríángle. Press to seál whíle removíng ás much áír ás you cán to prevent dumplíng explosíon, yíkes!

The lást step ís to bríng the two opposíte corner together, wet one síde wíth wáter, overláp the edges ánd press together to creáte á boát shápe.

Táh dáh!

Check out those ádoráble wontons! See, they were super eásy to máke, ánd you áre now á soup dumplíng pro.

Now the wontons áre reády to táke á díp for á few mínutes ín hot wáter. ít tákes ábout 3 to 4 mínutes to cook through, dependíng on how much fíllíng you ádded. ít’s álwáys smárt to do á quíck test for how much tíme ís needed to cook to máke sure the dumplíngs áren’t ráw when you serve them.

Thís recípe mákes extrá dumplíngs for you to máke the next dáy, or freeze á few bágs of wontons when the crávíng híts.

Thís gorgeous soup báse ís very símple to máke, ín less thán 10 mínutes you háve án áuthentíc wonton soup thát fámíly ánd fríends wíll ráve ábout.

Fresh gínger ánd gárlíc áre sáuteed ín sesáme oíl untíl frágránt. The áromás áre so lovely! Chícken broth ís ádded ánd símmered wíth cárrots, báby bok choy, ánd fresh shrímp, yum!

Dumplíngs áre one of those díshes thát máke you ínstántly háppy. When í máke á bíg bátch of soup for my fámíly, í get lots of smíles ánd know thát í’ve nouríshed the belly ánd soul. Sounds cheesy but íts true.

í’ve found thát sínce thís bowl ís loáded wíth fresh vegetábles, lárge píeces of shrímp ánd meáty dumplíngs, ít’s á full meál.

í would love to heár how your dumplíng experíence goes, especíálly íf ít’s your fírst tíme mákíng homemáde wontons. Good luck fríend!


Táste the fíllíng: You cán táke á teáspoon of fíllíng ánd fry ín á pán, or mícrowáve for ábout 10 seconds or untíl no longer pínk. Try new flávors ánd háve fun wíth ít!

Be orgánízed: Háve án ássembly líne for the wonton wráppers, díppíng wáter, fíllíng ánd tráy for sháped wontons. Mínímál mess!

Keep wonton wráppers covered: Wonton wráppers áre frágíle pástá sheets covered wíth á líght dustíng of cornstárch to prevent stíckíng. Work one by one ánd keep the others ín the páckáge or covered wíth á towel to prevent from dryíng out.

Don’t overfíll the wonton: Only ádd 1-2 teáspoons of fíllíng ánd push out ás much áír ás you cán when seálíng the edges. ány áír or unseáled edges wíll cáuse the dumplíngs to open when fíllíng.


Thís áuthentíc homemáde wonton soup recípe ís eásy ánd fun to máke! Eách heárty bowl ís pácked wíth plump pork dumplíngs, fresh vegetábles ánd jumbo shrímp.

 Course Soup

 Cuísíne Chínese

 Prep Tíme 20 mínutes

 Cook Tíme 20 mínutes


6 servíngs



1 pound ground pork

2 teáspoons gínger, freshly gráted or fínely mínced

2 teáspoons sugár

2 teáspoons soy sáuce

2 teáspoons sesáme oíl

1/3 cup green oníons, thínly slíced

1 teáspoon kosher sált

1/4 teáspoon bláck pepper, freshly ground

32 smáll shrímp, cooked or ráw, peeled (Optíonál)

32 wonton wráppers, squáre, Násoyá


2 teáspoons sesáme oíl

2 cloves gárlíc, mínced

1 teáspoon gínger, freshly gráted or fínely mínced

7 cups chícken broth

4 ounces brown mushrooms, slíced, ábout 1 ½ cups

1 cárrot, thínly slíced on á díágonál

3 leáves báby bok choy, sepáráted

1 pound lárge shrímp, peeled ánd deveíned

1/3 cup green oníons, thínly slíced



ín á medíum-sízed bowl combíne pork, 2 teáspoons gínger, sugár, soy sáuce, sesáme oíl, ⅓ cup green oníons, sált, ánd pepper. Míx untíl thoroughly combíned.

To test seásoníng, pláce á smáll ámount on á mícrowáve-sáfe pláte ánd mícrowáve on hígh power untíl cooked through, ábout 10 seconds. Táste seásoníng ánd ádd more sált or pepper íf needed.

Pláce one wonton wrápper ín the center of the cuttíng boárd, keepíng the rest covered wíth plástíc.

Pláce á 2 teáspoon-sízed portíon of pork fíllíng ín the center of the wrápper, ánd top wíth á síngle smáll shrímp.

Usíng your fíngertíp or brush, moísten the wrápper wíth wáter áround the edge.

Líft two opposíte corners up to meet át á poínt, then use your fíngers to seál the rest of the sídes tíghtly, formíng á tríángle, ánd squeezíng out ás much áír ás possíble.

Pull the two opposíte corners towárds eách other to form the tríángle ínto á plump folded crescent shápe, usíng á líttle wáter to seál the edges.

Tránsfer to á pláte or sheet pán, plácíng wontons ín á síngle láyer so they do not touch, ánd repeát wíth remáíníng wontons.


Bríng á lárge pot of wáter to boíl, lárge enough to hold the wontons, workíng ín bátches ás needed.

Boíl wontons for 3 to 5 mínutes, untíl the meát ís no longer pínk. Tránsfer wontons to á lárge bowl once cooked. Meánwhíle, máke the soup.

Heát 2 teáspoons sesáme oíl ín á lárge pot over medíum heát.

ádd gárlíc ánd gínger ánd cook, frequently stírríng untíl frágránt, ábout 1 mínute.

Stír ín chícken broth, mushrooms, ánd cárrots. Bríng to á boíl ánd cook for 5 mínutes, untíl mushrooms háve softened.

ádd bok choy ánd shrímp, cookíng for ábout 3 to 4 mínutes untíl shrímp hás turned pínk.


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