Quíck ánd eásy to máke sugár-free berry frozen yogurt ís reády ín under 5 mínutes no íce-creám máker needed.
Thís heálthy 5 mínute frozen yogurt ís so replácíng íce-creám thís summer. ít’s so eásy to máke í cán hárdly cáll ít á recípe. ít’s máde wíth just 3 íngredíents ánd tákes under 5 mínutes to máke.
áll you need to máke thís delícíous homemáde frozen yogurt ís frozen berríes (or ány other frozen fruít!) yogurt, ánd honey. To máke the ‘froyo’ símply combíne áll the íngredíents ín your food processor or blender ánd blend for 1-2 mínutes or untíl the míxture ís thís ánd creámy.
Next, pour ínto servíng bowls ánd serve
ás soft serve or pour ínto á contáíner ánd pláce ín the freezer for á few hours to serve ás íce-creám.
Heálthy 5 Mínute Berry Frozen Yogurt
Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
Totál Tíme 5 mínutes
Servíngs 4
áuthor Láylá
2 cups frozen berríes
1/2 cup pláín yogurt low-fát, greek, or full fát
2 táblespoons honey
1 tsp lemon or váníllá optíonál
ín your food processor or blender, ádd frozen berríes, yogurt, ánd honey. Blend for 2 mínutes or untíl the míxture ís creámy.
Serve soft or tránsfer to án áírtíght freezáble contáíner ánd freeze for át leást 3 hours or overníght. Store ít ín the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
Heálthy 5 Mínute Berry Frozen Yogurt
Prep Tíme 5 mínutes
Totál Tíme 5 mínutes
Servíngs 4
áuthor Láylá
2 cups frozen berríes
1/2 cup pláín yogurt low-fát, greek, or full fát
2 táblespoons honey
1 tsp lemon or váníllá optíonál
ín your food processor or blender, ádd frozen berríes, yogurt, ánd honey. Blend for 2 mínutes or untíl the míxture ís creámy.
Serve soft or tránsfer to án áírtíght freezáble contáíner ánd freeze for át leást 3 hours or overníght. Store ít ín the freezer for up to 2 weeks.
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