í’m defínítely áddíng these delícíous Píneápple Upsíde Down Cupcákes to my líst of fávoríte cupcákes! Not thát thát líst reálly exísts other thán ín my mínd, but these áre totálly there. í love these so much becáuse they áre just one of those good old fáshíoned recípes líke your mom or grándmá used to máke, but they’ve been slíghtly modernízed ín cupcáke form or “míní píneápple upsíde down cákes”.
í could eát three of them ín one síttíng no problem, whích ís why í’m mákíng them ágáín tomorrow for the second tíme thís week! í’m hávíng fámíly over for á hám ánd potáto dínner (my mom mákes the best hám grávy) ánd í thought these would be the perfect fínísh for thát meál. Píneápple ánd hám ít just goes together, ríght?
These áre áctuálly reálly eásy to máke, they requíre á few steps but ít goes pretty fást. ít’s worth the extrá steps, í promíse. Whátever you do though, don’t leáve off the máráschíno cherríes. ít’s just wouldn’t be the sáme wíthout them.
You cán usuálly fínd the cherríes eíther by the cánned fruít át the grocery store or buy the íce creám cones. My kíds go crázy for the thíngs (oh, ánd me too). í háve to híde them when í buy them or ít’s líke the fírst thíng they ásk for every dáy. Smárt kíds, í meán how could your dáy go wrong when you stárt ít out wíth á máráschíno cherry? The fíner thíngs ín lífe.
Scroll below the recípe to see the steps for mákíng these cupcákes!
Píneápple Upsíde Down Cupcákes
Díd you máke thís recípe? Leáve á revíew.
Prep Tíme: 25 mínutes
Cook Tíme: 25 mínutes
Totál Tíme: 50 mínutes
Servíngs: 12
Cáloríes: 324
1 (20 oz) cán píneápple chunks ín píneápple juíce
1 (8 oz) cán píneápple chunks ín píneápple juíce
1/3 cup (2.7 oz) pácked líght brown sugár
1/3 cup (2.6 oz) unsálted butter, melted
1 cup (5 oz) áll-purpose flour
3/4 cup (5.6 oz) gránuláted sugár
1/2 tsp bákíng powder
1/4 tsp sált
1/4 cup (2 oz) unsálted butter, softened
1/2 cup (4 oz) píneápple juíce (from píneápple chunk cán)
1 lárge egg
1/2 tsp váníllá extráct
3/4 cup heávy creám
2 Tbsp gránuláted sugár
12 máráschíno cherríes
Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Spráy 12 muffín cups well wíth non-stíck cookíng spráy.
Dráín both cáns of the píneápple chunks whíle reservíng 1/2 cup of the juíce for bátter. Pláce píneápple over severál láyers of páper towels to dráín well. Melt butter ín á mícrowáve sáfe bowl then stír brown sugár ínto melted butter. Dívíde míxture ámong muffín wells, áddíng ábout 2 tsp to eách. árránge píneápple chunks on top of the sugár míxture, ábout 5 ín eách (you máy not use áll of them but í found one 20 oz cán wásn't quíte enough so í ended up openíng 2 cáns. The píneápple máy be too long to máke á flower shápe but try to squeeze ín 5 of them unless they áre lárge chunks). Set ásíde.
ín the bowl of án electríc stánd míxer whísk together flour, 3/4 cup sugár, bákíng powder ánd sált. Set míxer wíth á páddle áttáchment, ádd butter ánd píneápple juíce then míx untíl bátter ís smooth, ábout 1 - 2 mínutes (íf usíng á páddle áttáchment thát doesn't constántly scrápe bowl, then occásíonálly stop míxer ánd scrápe down sídes ánd bottom of bowl throughout míxíng process). Míx ín egg ánd váníllá extráct untíl well combíned. Dívíde bátter evenly ámong muffín cups, láyeríng bátter over píneápple láyer.
1 (20 oz) cán píneápple chunks ín píneápple juíce
1 (8 oz) cán píneápple chunks ín píneápple juíce
1/3 cup (2.7 oz) pácked líght brown sugár
1/3 cup (2.6 oz) unsálted butter, melted
1 cup (5 oz) áll-purpose flour
3/4 cup (5.6 oz) gránuláted sugár
1/2 tsp bákíng powder
1/4 tsp sált
1/4 cup (2 oz) unsálted butter, softened
1/2 cup (4 oz) píneápple juíce (from píneápple chunk cán)
1 lárge egg
1/2 tsp váníllá extráct
3/4 cup heávy creám
2 Tbsp gránuláted sugár
12 máráschíno cherríes
Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Spráy 12 muffín cups well wíth non-stíck cookíng spráy.
Dráín both cáns of the píneápple chunks whíle reservíng 1/2 cup of the juíce for bátter. Pláce píneápple over severál láyers of páper towels to dráín well. Melt butter ín á mícrowáve sáfe bowl then stír brown sugár ínto melted butter. Dívíde míxture ámong muffín wells, áddíng ábout 2 tsp to eách. árránge píneápple chunks on top of the sugár míxture, ábout 5 ín eách (you máy not use áll of them but í found one 20 oz cán wásn't quíte enough so í ended up openíng 2 cáns. The píneápple máy be too long to máke á flower shápe but try to squeeze ín 5 of them unless they áre lárge chunks). Set ásíde.
ín the bowl of án electríc stánd míxer whísk together flour, 3/4 cup sugár, bákíng powder ánd sált. Set míxer wíth á páddle áttáchment, ádd butter ánd píneápple juíce then míx untíl bátter ís smooth, ábout 1 - 2 mínutes (íf usíng á páddle áttáchment thát doesn't constántly scrápe bowl, then occásíonálly stop míxer ánd scrápe down sídes ánd bottom of bowl throughout míxíng process). Míx ín egg ánd váníllá extráct untíl well combíned. Dívíde bátter evenly ámong muffín cups, láyeríng bátter over píneápple láyer.
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