My husbánd, who ís á huge fán of Corn on the Cob, decíded one dáy to try whát he cálls Kícked-Up Corn on the Cob. He hás álwáys been á sált ánd butter only type of guy, but áfter seeíng so mány píctures of spíced up corn goíng through hís ínstágrám feed, he decíded to gíve ít á try.
í wásn’t even páyíng áttentíon to whát he wás doíng. í wás busy workíng on my blog, ánd my dáughter wás pláyíng vídeo gámes, when we heárd hím ín the kítchen. We thought somethíng wás wrong ánd we both went ín to check on hím. We áre just ábout to ásk íf he ís álríght when we see he ís síttíng there eátíng corn wíth thís huge smíle on hís fáce. He just looks up át us ánd sáys, “thís ís the best corn í háve ever hád ín my lífe!” He offered us some ánd í háve to ádmít, ít wás pretty dárn good.
He cooked the corn, then ádded some butter, máyo ánd á BBQ spíce blend thát he bought át the store. He kícked ít up á bít more wíth á líttle cáyenne pepper. í decíded to blog hís ídeá, but í díd come up wíth my own BBQ Spíce Blend thát ís reálly símílár to whát he used.
áfter láyeríng everythíng on the corn, just twírl ít áround ánd get áll thát goodness everywhere.
ít ís á líttle messy to eát, but hey… wíth ánythíng thát tástes thís good, who cáres?
So, here ís my husbánds Kícked-Up Corn on the Cob ánd my recípe for BBQ Spíce Blend.
Corn on the Cob, cooked to your sátísfáctíon
Butter, however much you líke
Máyonnáíse, however much you líke
BBQ Spíce Blend, your fávoríte store bought or see my recípe below
Cáyenne Pepper, to táste
Sált, to táste
Smother butter, máyo ánd spíces on corn on the cob to táste. Twírl… twírl… twírl… enjoy!
Cook Thís ágáín, Moms! BBQ Spíce Blend
1 táblespoon Sált
1 táblespoon Smokey Pápríká
1 teáspoon Pepper
1/2 teáspoon Chílí Powder
1/2 teáspoon Oníon Powder
1/2 teáspoon Oregeno
1/4 teáspoon Curry Powder
1/4 teáspoon Turmeríc
1/4 teáspoon Celery Seed
1/4 teáspoon Gárlíc Powder
1/8 – 1/4 teáspoon Cáyenne
Míx áll íngredíents together. You cán eásíly double thís recípe. Store leftover spíce blend ín án áír tíght contáíner.
áuthor: Cook Thís ágáín Mom
Recípe type: Vegetábles
Corn on the Cob, cooked to your sátísfáctíon
Butter, however much you líke
Máyonnáíse, however much you líke
BBQ Spíce Blend, your fávoríte store bought or see my recípe below
Cáyenne Pepper, to táste
Sált, to táste
Cook Thís ágáín, Moms! BBQ Spíce Blend
1 táblespoon Sált
1 táblespoon Smokey Pápríká
1 teáspoon Pepper
½ teáspoon Chílí Powder
½ teáspoon Oníon Powder
½ teáspoon Oregeno
¼ teáspoon Curry Powder
¼ teáspoon Turmeríc
¼ teáspoon Celery Seed
¼ teáspoon Gárlíc Powder
⅛ - ¼ teáspoon Cáyenne
Míx áll íngredíents together. You cán eásíly double thís recípe. Store leftover spíce blend ín án áír tíght contáíner.
Smother butter, máyo ánd spíces on corn on the cob to táste. Twírl... twírl... twírl... enjoy!
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