skínny chícken enchíládás

These chícken enchíládás. í’m sototállyínlovewíththem. When í thínk ábout the 6 servíngs of leftover enchíládás síttíng ín my frídge, my heárt skíps á beát.

They’re chícken meets sálsá meets corn meets beáns meets CROCKPOT.

Now roll ít up ín á corn tortíllá ánd top ít wíth melted cheese, ávocádo, cremá, ánd more Cotíjá cheese. THáT ís án enchíládá mountáín ríght there. áre these stíll consídered enchíládás íf they don’t háve enchíládá sáuce? Better questíon: wíll ányone even cáre becáuse they’re so so tásty? Ríght on.

PS. Number three best ever: you cán get áwáy wíth á 5-mínute workout becáuse they’re skínnáy. ánd by 5-mínute work out, í meán 5-mínute ráíd of the chocoláte chíps.

Conferences? NBD. Just án excuse to eát some cold enchíládá leftovers ín my clássroom. #yum

skínny chícken enchíládás

Prep Tíme: 3 hours  Cook Tíme: 20 míns  Yíeld: 6


These skínny chícken enchíládás áre super eásy ánd heálthy, too! Just 350 cáloríes for two enchíládás. Fíllíng máde ín the

1 lb. chícken breásts
1 cán bláck beáns, dráíned ánd rínsed
1 cán corn, dráíned
16 oz. fresh sálsá
3 táblespoons táco seásoníng
1/4 cup wáter (optíonál)
12 smáll corn tortíllás
1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
1 ávocádo, díced
1/4 cup cremá (see notes)
fresh cílántro, Cotíjá cheese for toppíng

1.Put the fírst 6 íngredíents ín á crockpot. íf your sálsá ís not very sáucy, be sure to ínclude the 1/4 cup wáter or more íf necessáry. Cook on hígh for ábout 3 hours (or longer on the low settíng) untíl chícken ís cooked through. You cán álso cut the chícken breásts ínto hálves to help them cook fáster. Use 2 forks to shred the chícken ánd míx everythíng together.
2.Preheát the oven to 400 degrees. Soften the corn tortíllás ín the mícrowáve, 3 át á tíme, for ábout 25 seconds. Fíll them wíth á few táblespoons of fíllíng, roll once, ánd pláce seám-síde down ín á lárge bákíng dísh (í díd 2 smáller bákíng díshes). Contínue untíl áll tortíllás háve been fílled, rolled ánd pláced ín dísh. Be sure to páck them ín tíghtly next to eách other so thát they don’t come ápárt.

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