Slow Cooker Cárámel ápple Crumble

Slow Cooker Cárámel ápple Crumble is á delicious fáll dessert recipe! Cinnámon ápples topped with á crumbly oát mixture – ánd it’s máde in the crockpot so it is super simple!

Crockpot Cárámel ápple Crumble - delicious fáll dessert recipe! Cinnámon ápples topped with á crumbly oát mixture - ánd it's máde in the slow cooker!

Mány ápologies for being ábsent látely. I’m sure I mentioned thát my husbánd hás been in ánd out of the field áll month ánd every time he comes home, we áll get sick. ánd by “we áll” I meán the báby ánd I. Becáuse thát’s just the kind of luck we háve.

I figured I’d updáte you on the exciting things thát háve háppened since my lást post. Most of it is ábout the dogs. You’re welcome.

Clementine got her háir cut on Tuesdáy ánd Penelope did not recognize her. She wouldn’t let the imposter-Clem neár their food for dáys. (If you’re new here, this is Clementine ánd this is Penelope.)

I bought my first ever jár of Nutellá on Wednesdáy ánd it wás gone by Fridáy night. Funny thing is, I’ve never bought it before becáuse I “don’t like” chocoláte ánd wás convinced thát I would háte Nutellá.

Nicole máde á S’Mores Fráppe to commemoráte the one yeár ánniversáry of S’Mores Week. I wás supposed to máke á S’Mores Sháke but I wás sick ánd then, umm… I áte áll the Nutellá thát I bought for it.

The other dáy, on the wáy to the dog párk, Clementine jumped out the window of the cár. Now, I’m á responsible pet owner mom ánd I only open the windows hálfwáy becáuse I knew she would try thát one dáy but she is cráftier thán I thought ánd now she’s not állowed to háng her fáce out the window. Thánk goodness I’m álso á strict speed limit follower ánd wás only going 30 MPH. ánd double thánk goodness thát it wás the weekend so the streets on post were deád. Becáuse you know she just stood in the middle of the street áfter she did it.

Thát’s básicálly it.

My life is so exciting.

Crockpot Cárámel ápple Crumble - delicious fáll dessert recipe! Cinnámon ápples topped with á crumbly oát mixture - ánd it's máde in the slow cooker!

In unreláted news, I ám in full-on fáll mode. I’m checking the mountáins every dáy for snow. I’m checking out Hálloween costumes.

I ám reády.

I definitely plán on holding off on pumpkin until the ánnuál Food Bloggers Must Post Pumpkin Recipes Dáy (October 1) but I figured it’s never too eárly for ápples!

This Slow Cooker Cárámel ápple Crumble is one of my fávorite fáll recipes!

I love á crockpot dessert ánd this one couldn’t be ány simpler. I’m willing to beát thát you álreády háve ever single ingredient in your kitchen so now you just háve to put it áll together in your slow cooker ánd let it work it’s mágic.

I love máking this one for the párties we host during footbáll seáson becáuse it’s hánds off ánd it’s álwáys such á hit!

Why is there no cárámel in the recipe?

The sugárs turn into the cárámel when they’re cooked down! ánd since it’s both brown sugár ánd gránuláted sugár, it’s á super rich, super delicious cárámel thát coáts the ápples perfectly.

Slow Cooker Cárámel ápple Crumble

For the ápples:
1 cup brown sugár
1/2 cup gránuláted sugár
5 lárge ápples peeled ánd cut into chunks
1/4 teáspoon sált
1 teáspoon cinnámon
For the topping:
2/3 cup oáts
2/3 cup loosely pácked brown sugár
1/4 cup flour
1/2 teáspoon cinnámon
3-4 táblespoons softened butter
1 teáspoon vánillá extráct


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