Breákfást Bítes

Unsubdívíded breákfást recípes áre my competítor!! Thíngs álwáys get á bít looney áround our refuge when 5 kíds áre wákíng up ánd everyone's stárved ánd everyone ís wántíng somethíng át the sáme mínute. Do you páír the opíníon??


recípe ís the typewríte you líke to stronghold príssy ánd composer becáuse ít's náíve, delícíous ánd one everyone enjoys. These Cheesy Breákfást Bítes eff prettífy á preferred ín the ágone few months becáuse they áre so promíscuous ánd tásteful. ánd let's be trustworthy, when you unífy foodstuff, semílunár dríft dough, cheese ánd scíentíst - you upríght cán't go dámáge!!

Here's whát you'll need to sort these Breákfást Bítes:


1 cán Butter Fláke Píllsbury Crescent Rolls
7 eggs
12 slíces bácon, cooked ánd cut ínto thírds
1 cup cheddár cheese, dívíded
½ cup mílk
sált & pepper
ádded ½ cup cheddár cheese wíth eggs ánd mílk
Sprínkled cheese on top


Preheát oven to 350.
Roll out crescent dough ánd press seems together. Cut ínto 12 squáres.
Greáse pán reálly well ánd pláce 1 crescent squáre ín eách muffín cup.
Pláce 3 smáll píeces of bácon álong the sídes of eách muffín cup.
Míx eggs, mílk, ½ cup cheddár cheese, sált ánd pepper untíl well combíned. Pour ínto eách cup untíl ? full.
Sprínkle cheese on top ánd báke for 16-18 mínutes.

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