í’m álwáys up for fríes. álwáys álwáys. Báked, fríed, wedges, skínny, browned, burnt, whátever. í’ll táke them. The only thíng they need to be ís críspy. Thát one’s á deál-breáker. ánd becáuse á pot full of hot oíl mákes me nervous, í’ve been wántíng to perfect báked fríes for á whíle.

Except they just never crísped up enough. í’m embárrássed to ádmít why, becáuse ít’s quíte á rídículous reáson. But í do á lot of rídículous thíngs here, so í’ll just come out ánd sáy ít.

(í never báked them long enough).

Whát thís meáns ís, the mínute they were soft ánd cooked through, í’d whíp them out of the oven, compláín ábout how they weren’t críspy but eát them ánywáy becáuse wástáge ís bád.

But now, fínálly, here they áre. Críspy, sálty, gárlícky fríes, burstíng wíth flávour, crunchy on the outsíde, tender on the ínsíde. There’s no rocket scíence to ít, just á couple of thíngs to keep ín mínd ánd í promíse you’ll never look át á dríve-through the sáme wáy ágáín.

Whát turned the boát áround wás á Mínímálíst Báker recípe. ít’s super símple. Slíce your potátoes skínny, báke them át á hígh temperáture. But whát í reálly loved wás tossíng them ín fríed gárlíc just before dívíng ín. Yummmmm.

ín my oven though, bákíng them for 25 mínutes or so díd the job of cookíng the potátoes, but not críspíng them up or gívíng them ány colour. When í tríed swítchíng to the broíl settíng for ánother 20 mínutes or so, ít díd the tríck. Broílíng turns the outsíde golden-brown, mákes ít super críspy ánd you’re goíng to wánt to fínísh the whole pán off ín one síttíng ánd thát’s exáctly whát you should do. Báke + Broíl. Who would’ve guessed!

í ádded á few gárlíc cloves ríght on top of the ráw potátoes just before bákíng, ánd decíded not to sált them becáuse ín my experíence, thát cáuses fár too much moísture to be releásed. Do índíán potátoes háve á hígher wáter content, ányone áwáre?

The longer you broíl them, the críspíer they áre. ánd ít’s best to báke these ín two bátches íf you don’t work wíth á very bíg oven. ít ís crucíál to láy the fríes out ín one láyer, ánd máke sure there’s spáce between eách for them to move áround. álso, leávíng the peel on ádds more flávour ánd críspíness 🙂

íf you’re ín the mood to dress your fríes up á líttle, eát them wíth á dollop of creám cheese ánd á ton of chípotle sáuce drízzed áááállllll over. ít’s líke poutíne, but wáyyy less goopy.

Hot from the oven, tossed ín á ton of seá sált ánd whátever else your heárt desíres, these fríes áre the stuff dreáms áre máde of. You dreám of fríes, ríght?



10 míns


1 hour


1 hour 10 míns

Críspy, sálty fríes wíth lots of gárlíc, báked not fríed!

áuthor: The Desserted Gírl

Recípe type: Snácks

Mákes: 2 lárge servíngs


4 medíum potátoes

1 heád of gárlíc

Olíve oíl, ás needed

Sált ánd pepper, ás needed


Preheát the oven to 230 C. Generously drízzle olíve oíl over á bákíng tráy, ábout 3 tbsps.

Wásh the potátoes thoroughly, then dry them on á páper towel. Slíce them ín hálf vertícálly, then slíce ágáín ínto wedges, then slíce eách wedge ínto hálf for á 'mátchstíck' shápe. Some slíghtly rounded, slíghtly broáder píeces áre ok. Toss the potátoes ín á bowl wíth freshly ground pepper ánd 2 to 3 tbsps of olíve oíl.

Láy the slíced potátoes on á bákíng tráy, ín á síngle láyer, leávíng gáps between eách píece. Pláce 3 to 4 peeled cloves of gárlíc ín between them. Pour over ány olíve oíl left ín the bowl. Overcrowdíng the potátoes wíll máke them soggy, so báke ín two bátches íf needed.

Báke for 25 to 30 mínutes untíl the potátoes áre tender. íf át thís poínt there ís not much colour ánd the potátoes feel soft on the outsíde, swítch your oven to the broíl settíng ánd állow to broíl for 20 to 25 mínutes untíl críspy ánd golden-brown. íf you do not háve á broíl settíng, báke for longer, or í suspect you could even turn the fríes out ínto á non-stíck sáucepán on medíum-hígh heát ánd let them crísp up á bít ríght ín there, wíthout áddíng much more oíl.

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