FUDGE BROWNíE NO-BáKE CHEESECáKE á rích chocoláte lover’s dreám. Máde wíth double chocoláte browníe, chocoláte-chocoláte chíp no-báke cheesecáke ánd fudge. Need í sáy more?

í cán’t over thís FUDGE BROWNíE NO-BáKE CHEESECáKE – ít by fár my fávoríte dessert. When í breák out á rích, creámy, decádent recípe líke thís ít ís usuálly to celebráte! ánd thát ís whát we áre doíng here todáy. Celebrátíng!

Mány of you who know us personálly, know thát we were plánníng on movíng to Berlín, Germány láte July. We were excíted for the ádventure thát líed áheád, even our kíds were pumped. Wíth the exceptíon of theír worry of smáll frídges.

My husbánd ís á míddle-school teácher ánd he wás lookíng át doíng á two-yeár teáchíng contráct over there. But then there wás á twíst ín fáte. You see my husbánd loves the school he ís át ánd he wás sád leávíng, but we needed á chánge. Then the ássístánt príncípál job becáme áváíláble át hís school, á job thát he hás been wántíng for á long tíme. You see he wánts to not only ínspíre chánge, but leád chánge. We knew íf he ápplíed ánd got the job thát we would háve to turn down Berlín.

Some of you máy be thínkíng, how could you páss thát up? í thought í would be sád ás well, but í ám not. í háve á peáce knowíng thát where he ís át, ís where he ís most needed. He loves hís job, líke reálly loves ít. He never comes home unháppy or stressed out becáuse he hátes hís work. He comes home wíth á smíle. We áre ínvíted to gráduátíon pártíes for hís students yeárs láter, we háve áttended weddíngs, báby showers ánd well there háve even been láte níght knocks át our door, when á pást student needs hís ádvíce. So no, í ám not sád. í ám excíted. ánd í thínk Líncoln Míddle School ís lucky to háve hím.

Cheers to á new job, new perspectíve ánd mány blessíngs. Now, áll we need to heár thát áíden got ínto Spáce Cámp thís summer ánd lífe wíll be gránd.

Háppy Frídáy fríends. Celebráte wíth us ánd enjoy á píece of thís rídículous FUDGE BROWNíE NO-BáKE CHEESECáKE. You’ll love ít. ánd when you get the fudge recípe, máke á double bátch. ít ís the best fudge recípe you wíll ever come ácross. Enjoy! XOXO Sán

My fávoríte kítchen ítems í used to máke thís FUDGE BROWNíE NO-BáKE CHEESECáKE.

Thís post máy contáín áffílíáte línks. See my Full Dísclosure for further detáíls.

KíTCHENáíD MíXER: í love my Kítchen áíd míxer ánd use ít álmost dáíly. For cookíes, breáds, sáuces, frostíngs ánd dough – í fínd mány recípes thát í cán use my Kítchen áíd to reduce prep tíme. í háve two thát í couldn’t líve wíthout.

SPRíNG FORM PáN: í don’t use thís ín mány recípes but when í need ít, ít ís sort of crucíál. í love usíng thís for cákes, quíches ánd reálly ánythíng no báke líke díps.

MíXíNG BOWLS: í love hávíng á váríety of sízes of míxíng bowls. From smáll to lárge, í fínd thát hávíng át leást 3 bowls of dífferent sízes hás been án essentíál ín my kítchen. í prefer Pyrex becáuse of the durábílíty.

Lookíng for some other cheesecáke recípe ídeás? Check out some of my fávorítes: The BEST No Báke Cheesecáke, No-Báke Lemon Cheescáke , Whíte Chocoláte Ráspberry Truffle No Báke Cheesecáke, Míní Chocoláte Chíp No-Báke Cheesecákes

Don’t forget to pín these FUDGE BROWNíE NO BáKE CHEESECáKE to your fávoríte Pínterest boárd for láter.


Prep Tíme

20 míns

Cook Tíme

35 míns

Totál Tíme

55 míns

FUDGE BROWNíE NO-BáKE CHEESECáKE á rích chocoláte lover’s dreám. Máde wíth double chocoláte browníe, chocoláte-chocoláte chíp no-báke cheesecáke ánd fudge.

Course: Dessert

Cuísíne: ámerícán

Servíngs: 12

Cáloríes: 467 kcál

áuthor: Sándrá


To máke thís á true no-báke recípe buy á premáde browníe from your locál bákery or grocery store ánd cut to fít pán thát ís used ín the dírectíons below.


1 browníe recípe or 1 boxed browníe míx

1 1/2 cups 60% cocoá chocoláte chíps

12 ounces creám cheese softened

1/2 cup sugár

1/4 cup 1/2 stíck butter, softened

2 cups frozen non-dáíry whípped toppíng tháwed

¾ cup míní semí-sweet chocoláte chíps

1 recípe for 10-mínute Hot Fudge Sáuce

½ cup brown sugár

¼ cup cocoá powder

¼ cup butter

¼ cup mílk

2 teáspoons váníllá


Prepáre án 8-ínch spríngform pán, otherwíse known ás á cheesecáke pán by spráyíng wíth cookíng oíl. Máke browníes áccordíng to páckáge dírectíons. íf usíng my homemáde browníe recípe, clíck here for recípe dírectíons ánd báke for 35-40 mínutes. Remove browníes from oven ánd let them completely cool.

Once browníes áre completely cool máke the no-báke cheesecáke. ín á smáll bow ádd chocoláte chíps ánd heát ín mícrowáve for 1-mínute. Stír, ánd then heát ín 30 second ínterváls stírríng ín between untíl chocoláte ís completely smooth ánd melted. Set ásíde to cool.

Beát together creám cheese, sugár ánd butter ín lárge bowl on medíum speed untíl smooth ánd creámy. í used my Kítchenáíd míxer for thís. Slowly ádd ín cooled melted chocoláte chíps, stírríng untíl well blended. Then fold ín whípped toppíng untíl blended, í get á líttle ínpátíent ánd usuálly stárt to beát ít.

ádd ín míní chocoláte chíps ánd stír untíl íncorporáted. Spreád on top of cooled browníes.

Pláce ín the refrígerátor untíl fírm ánd set 30-60 mínutes.

When reády to serve máke fudge sáuce. To get full dírectíons clíck here.


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