Thís Turtle Poke Cáke ís seríously the best cáke ever!! Moíst chocoláte cáke, máde from scrátch,  ís fílled wíth gooey cárámel, ánd topped wíth chocoláte gánáche ánd pecáns! YUM!

í cán honestly tell you thát thís ís one of the best cákes you wíll ever eát ín áll of lífe. ít’s kínd of rídículous how delícíous ít ís. íf you áre níce ánd decíde to sháre thís cáke wíth fríends, be prepáred to háve everyone wánt the recípe; ít ís out of control yummy!!

Háve you ever hád á turtle? The cándy, not the ánímál. í thought turtles were somethíng everyone knew ábout, but í wás wrong. They áre pecáns drenched wíth cárámel, dípped ín chocoláte. í guess they slíghtly resemble turtles ánd thát’s how they got the náme? áll you need to know ís: chocoláte + cárámel + pecáns = turtles. ít’s á good thíng 🙂

Báck to the cáke.

Thís ís my fávoríte
chocoláte cáke recípe thát í máke áll the tíme. Except thís tíme í poked holes ín ít ánd poured gooey cárámel  áll over ít. Then í topped ít wíth my fávoríte thíng ever – chocoláte gánáche. Mmmmmm. Then, for good meásure, í drízzled on á bít more cárámel, ánd topped the whole thíng off wíth pecáns. Some of the píeces even got á sprínklíng of míní chocoláte chíps, per my chíldren’s request.

Speákíng of my chíldren. They were áll crowded áround me ás í tríed tákíng photos of thís cáke to sháre wíth áll of you. My one yeár old wás seríously cryíng, he wánted thát cáke so bád! The other kíds dídn’t cry, but í heárd “áre you done yet?”, “Cán we eát cáke now?”, “Cán í pleeeeeeááááse háve some cáke??”

Whát í’m sáyíng ís, áfter ábout 10 torturous mínutes, í hád 4 íncredíbly háppy líttle ones.

You know you wánt á píece too 😉

Thís Turtle Poke Cáke ís seríously the best cáke ever!! Moíst chocoláte cáke, máde from scrátch,  ís fílled wíth gooey cárámel, ánd topped wíth chocoláte gánáche ánd pecáns! YUM!

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