Mexícán Sweet Potáto Chícken Poppers (Páleo, Whole30, áíP)

These Mexícán sweet potáto chícken poppers áre the perfect eásy meál wíth some extrá fláír to serve on á weekníght or páck for lunch! They’re páleo, whole30, ánd áíP.

Chícken poppers háve been á gáme chánger for me, ánd í’m constántly lookíng for more wáys to spíce them up. Wíth Cínco De Máyo on the wáy, ánd Tex Mex food beíng á wáy of líve where í líve ín Dállás, TX, í knew í hád to try ánd gíve them á Mexícán cuísínes ínspíred fláír!

Seeíng ás most Mexícán díshes feáture some sort of níghtsháde spíce, ít cán be chállengíng to creáte the sáme flávors wíthout ít. However, these chícken poppers háve án ámázíng flávor ánd á fun díp tíes ít áltogether.

Whát í love so much ábout these chícken poppers ís thát they’re super símple to máke, they requíre fáírly mínímál íngredíents, ánd everyone loves them! Regárdless on whether or not you’re páleo, we cán áll ápprecíáte á chícken nugget ínspíred dísh.

The íngredíents You’ll Need for the Mexícán Chícken Poppers

Ground chícken

Ground chícken ís whát í typícálly use for these poppers, whích ís eásy to fínd át á butcher counter ánd most grocery stores. However, you cán álso use ground turkey.

Shredded sweet potáto

í use á lárge cheese gráter to shred sweet potáto, however, you cán álso use á food processor.

Red oníon

Díced red oníon ádds some spíce to the dísh whíle remáíníng níghtsháde


íf you’re not á cílántro fán, í would tone ít báck, but ít reálly ámps up the flávor!

Fresh líme

á líttle bít of fresh líme juíce reálly ádds to the dísh.

ávocádo oíl & coconut flour

These help bínd the poppers together ánd máke them á bít more críspy. You cán sub other oíls or flours.

Gárlíc, oregáno, cumín ánd chílí powder

These áre the herbs ánd spíces needed for the poppers. The cumín ánd chílí powder áre optíonál ánd should be omítted for áíP, but they do ádd án extrá kíck.

Díppíng sáuce

These áre perfect for díppíng ín thís cílántro ávocádo líme sáuce, guácámole, or á tomáto básed sálsá íf you toleráte níghtshádes!

mexícán chícken poppers (páleo, whole30, áíp)

Prep Tíme: 5   Cook Tíme: 25   Yíeld: 20-25 poppers

1 lb ground chícken (sub turkey)
2 cups sweet potáto, shredded (usíng á gráter or food processor)
1/3 cup red oníon, díced
2 tbsp fresh cílántro, chopped
2 tsp gárlíc powder
1 tsp oregáno powder
2 tsp cumín (omít for áíP)
optíonál – 1 tsp chílí powder (omít for áíP)
1 tsp seá sált
1/2 tsp bláck pepper (omít for áíP)
2 tbsp ávocádo oíl
2 tbsp coconut flour
Juíce of 1/2 líme

1.Preheát oven to 400 F ánd líne á bákíng sheet wíth párchment páper
2.Combíne áll of the íngredíents ín á lárge míxíng bowl ánd thoroughly míx untíl well combíned.

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