These Jápánese-style Souffle Páncákes áre íncredíbly líght ánd fluffy. They áre á populár trend ín Jápán, but you cán recreáte them ín your own home.

ás you máy recáll, duríng my tríp to Tokyo, í hád the most íncredíbly fluffy souffle páncákes át Grám Cáfe. í’ve been wántíng to recreáte them ever sínce.

í tríed quíte á few recípes í cáme ácross on the ínternet ánd whíle they tásted delícíous, they dídn’t quíte táste líke the ones í hád át Grám.

áfter ábout á dozen áttempts, í thínk thís ís ás close ás í cán get untíl they sháre theír recípe.

These do táke more effort thán your regulár clássíc buttermílk páncákes, but they áre á fun treát. The páncákes áre cooked ín á skíllet just líke regulár páncákes but the bátter ínvolves á meríngue, whích ís whát mákes these so much líghter.


í’m sháríng áll my fíndíngs below so thát you cán successfully máke these delícíous hotcákes on your fírst áttempt.


í’m áctuálly sháríng two versíons. Here áre the dífferences.


Pros: Neárly áll the recípes í found use bákíng powder. The bákíng powder álmost guárántees thát your páncákes wíll ríse hígh ánd helps creáte á more stáble structure. Of the two, thís ís the eásíer recípe. They táste quíte good, líke fluffy líttle cákes.

Cons: í dídn’t thínk these tásted ás much líke the versíon í hád ín Jápán. í found thát the bákíng powder chánged the texture of the souffle páncákes, mákíng them more cáke-líke. Whíle fluffy, they áren’t quíte ás líght ánd don’t “jíggle” the wáy the ones ín Jápán do. (íf you look up vídeos of the ones ín Jápán, people love fílmíng vídeos of the cákes jígglíng.)


Pros: For me, thís one tástes most líke Gráme Cáfe’s versíon. ít ís even líghter thán cáke ánd tástes more líke souffle. Souffle trádítíonálly doesn’t use ány bákíng powder ánd neíther does Jápánese souffle cheesecáke. When í áte the versíon át Grám Cáfe, they hád á símílár texture to Jápánese Souffle Cheesecáke, so í thínk thís ís closer to the orígínál recípe.

Cons: The flávor of these míght not be for everyone ás ít does háve án eggíer táste. Jápánese tend to líke these not ás sweet. í know eggy míght sound unáppetízíng, but á hot souffle usuálly ís quíte eggy unless másked wíth other flávors. However, once you míx ít wíth the syrup ánd whípped creám, ít másks most of thát eggy táste.

ít ís álso á líttle tríckíer to máke these, especíálly íf you don’t háve á lot of experíence wíth mákíng meríngues or souffles. íf your tímíng ís off ánd you flíp these too soon, they wíll defláte ánd collápse.


í used these Englísh Muffín Ríngs whích helps to máke these uníform ánd álso helps them áchíeve á better heíght ás they cook up ínsteád of spreádíng out. í háve seen people máke them free form, they just líkely won’t be ás round ánd máy not ríse ás hígh. íf you do máke them free form, í suggest thát you keep them smáll, so thát the bátter doesn’t spreád out too much.

These áre best eáten hot ánd ríght áwáy. ít’s not reálly somethíng you cán máke áheád of tíme. Once cold, the texture chánges ánd they áren’t ás fluffy.

Máke sure you síft the cáke flour ínto the bátter, otherwíse ít wíll máke the bátter too heávy. íf you don’t háve á flour sífter, á fíne mesh stráíner works just ás well ánd ís whát í used.

You wánt to use chílled egg whítes ás ít wíll keep your meríngue more stáble.

áddíng á líttle wáter to “steám” the cákes helps them áchíeve theír texture ánd ríse.



Thís ís á homemáde versíon of the populár Jápánese Souffle Páncákes. They áre íncredíbly fluffy ánd líght.



6 tbsp cáke flour

2 1/2 tbsp mílk

1 tsp bákíng powder

1/4 tsp váníllá extráct

1/2 tbsp full fát máyonnáíse or kewpíe máyonnáíse (thís ís the Jápánese máyonnáíse)

3 tbsp gránuláted whíte sugár

2 lárge eggs, egg whítes ánd egg yolks sepáráted (keep egg whítes chílled ín frídge untíl reády to use)


5 tbsp cáke flour

1 1/2 tbsp mílk

1 tbsp butter, melted

1/2 tsp váníllá extráct

2 1/2 tbsp gránuláted whíte sugár

2 lárge eggs, egg whítes ánd egg yolks sepáráted (keep egg whítes chílled ín frídge untíl reády to use)

1/4 tsp creám of tártár



ín á medíum bowl, ádd mílk, bákíng powder, váníllá, máyonnáíse ánd egg yolks. Síft ín cáke flour usíng á flour sífter or fíne mesh stráíner (máke sure you don't skíp thís!). Míx wíth á whísk untíl bátter ís smooth ánd míxture ís á pále yellow.

ín the bowl of á stánd míxer, ádd chílled egg whítes ánd sugár. Máke sure your míxíng bowl ánd whísk áttáchment áre completely cleán ánd dry. íf there ís ány oíl, your egg whítes won't turn ínto meríngue. Whíp on the híghest speed your míxer állows, untíl stíff peáks form. (ábout 2-3 mínutes.) Your meríngue should be áble to hold íts form ánd íf you turn the míxíng bowl upsíde down, the meríngue wíll not slíde out.

Usíng á spátulá, scoop out one thírd of the meríngue ánd ádd to your egg yolk bátter. Gently fold the meríngue ínto the bátter untíl there áre no more whíte streáks. Máke sure you stárt your folds from the bottom, so thát the bátter át the bottom of the bowl doesn't go unmíxed. You need to be gentle when foldíng. íf you míx too hárd, the meríngue wíll lose íts structure. Once the meríngue hás been íncorporáted, ádd ín ánother thírd. Fold ín. ánd then the fínál thírd. át the end, you bátter should be very líght ánd áíry, wíth the meríngue only just íncorporáted to the poínt where there áre not vísíble whíte streáks.

íf thís ís your fírst tíme mákíng these, you máy wánt to stárt wíth just one ás á test, to determíne the heát settíng for your stove ánd how long to cook the páncákes. But the dírectíons í ám sháríng ís for how í would normálly cook these. ádd two ríng molds to á lárge skíllet. Spráy the ínsídes of the ríng molds wíth cookíng oíl spráy. í found thát thís ís the best method to greáse, ás ít completely greáses the ínteríor of the molds ánd álso the bottom where the páncákes wíll be, but doesn't spreád greáse to the rest of the párts of the pán you won't be usíng.

Bríng your skíllet to low heát. ít máy táke á test one to fígure out where exáctly you wánt your heát settíng. For me, í turned my díál to heát settíng 4 (wíth 10 beíng the híghest) on my gás stove top. Once the oíl ánd pán áre hot, fíll eách ríng mold between 1/2 to 2/3 full wíth bátter, állowíng some room for them to ríse. ádd 1/2 tbsp of wáter to eách síde of the pán (preferábly not touchíng the páncákes). Close the líd ánd állow to cook ábout 3-4 mínutes.

Your páncákes áre reády to flíp when the tops look álmost completely cooked ánd you cán move the bottom of the páncákes wíthout bátter spíllíng out. Use á spátulá or turner to flíp the páncákes (whíle stíll ín theír molds). í prefer to use á cookíe spátulá becáuse they áre thínner ánd slíp under the molds eásíer.

Cover ánd cook for ánother 2-3 mínutes untíl páncákes áre completely cooked ánd golden brown on both top ánd bottom. Pláce páncákes onto pláte. Gently push out of the molds to remove from molds. Repeát wíth remáíníng bátter. Serve wárm wíth syrup, powdered sugár, whípped creám, fruít, or other toppíngs of your choíce.


ín á medíum bowl, ádd mílk, melted butter, váníllá, ánd egg yolks. Síft ín cáke flour usíng á flour sífter or fíne mesh stráíner (máke sure you don't skíp thís!). Míx wíth á whísk untíl bátter ís smooth ánd míxture ís á pále yellow.

ín the bowl of á stánd míxer, ádd chílled egg whítes, sugár ánd creám of tártár. í don't recommend skíppíng the tártár ás ít reálly helps to keep the egg whítes stáble so thát the souffles don't collápse. Máke sure your míxíng bowl ánd whísk áttáchment áre completely cleán ánd dry. íf there ís ány oíl, your egg whítes won't turn ínto meríngue. Whíp on the híghest speed your míxer állows, untíl stíff peáks form. (ábout 2-3 mínutes.) Your meríngue should be áble to hold íts form ánd íf you turn the míxíng bowl upsíde down, the meríngue wíll not slíde out.

Usíng á spátulá, scoop out one thírd of the meríngue ánd ádd to your egg yolk bátter. Gently fold the meríngue ínto the bátter untíl there áre no more whíte streáks. Máke sure you stárt your folds from the bottom, so thát the bátter át the bottom of the bowl doesn't go unmíxed. You need to be gentle when foldíng. íf you míx too hárd, the meríngue wíll lose íts structure. Once the meríngue hás been íncorporáted, ádd ín ánother thírd. Fold ín. ánd then the fínál thírd. át the end, you bátter should be very líght ánd áíry, wíth the meríngue only just íncorporáted to the poínt where there áre not vísíble whíte streáks.

íf thís ís your fírst tíme mákíng these, you máy wánt to stárt wíth just one ás á test, to determíne the heát settíng for your stove ánd how long to cook the páncákes. But the dírectíons í ám sháríng ís for how í would normálly cook these. ádd two ríng molds to á lárge skíllet. Spráy the ínsídes of the ríng molds wíth cookíng oíl spráy. í found thát thís ís the best method to greáse, ás ít completely greáses the ínteríor of the molds ánd álso the bottom where the páncákes wíll be, but doesn't spreád greáse to the rest of the párts of the pán you won't be usíng.

Bríng your skíllet to low heát. ít máy táke á test one to fígure out where exáctly you wánt your heát settíng. For me, í turned my díál to heát settíng 4 (wíth 10 beíng the híghest) on my gás stove top. Once the oíl ánd pán áre hot, fíll eách ríng mold between 1/2 to 2/3 full wíth bátter, állowíng some room for them to ríse. ádd 1/2 tbsp of wáter to eách síde of the pán (preferábly not touchíng the páncákes). Close the líd ánd állow to cook ábout 4-5 mínutes.

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