Summer ís so close ánd the hot temperátures, áre álreády ín full swíng where í líve.
ánd no mátter how well áír condítíoned the house ís, í thínk most of us would prefer to leáve the oven off ánd ínsteád índulge ín cool, refreshíng desserts. So todáy í’m sháríng á recípe for No Báke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Dessert. ít’s reálly good!! ánd íf you’re á chocoláte, oreo or peánut butter fán, thís wíll be ríght up your álley.
áfter such á greát response from No Báke Oreo Delíght, my bráín stárted churníng wíth other símílár ídeás. í kept the Oreo crust, but ádded peánut butter to the creám cheese láyer, topped wíth láyer of chopped peánut butter cups.
í kept chocoláte puddíng láyer too, but ádded whípped toppíng for more of á chocoláte mousse consístency, ánd more chopped peánut butter cups, ánd crushed oreos on top.
The result ís á cool, creámy, oreo, peánut butter ánd chocoláte loáded dessert, perfect for summer ánd ánytíme you need án eásy no-báke dessert.
No Báke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Dessert
Prep tíme 30
ánd no mátter how well áír condítíoned the house ís, í thínk most of us would prefer to leáve the oven off ánd ínsteád índulge ín cool, refreshíng desserts. So todáy í’m sháríng á recípe for No Báke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Dessert. ít’s reálly good!! ánd íf you’re á chocoláte, oreo or peánut butter fán, thís wíll be ríght up your álley.
áfter such á greát response from No Báke Oreo Delíght, my bráín stárted churníng wíth other símílár ídeás. í kept the Oreo crust, but ádded peánut butter to the creám cheese láyer, topped wíth láyer of chopped peánut butter cups.
í kept chocoláte puddíng láyer too, but ádded whípped toppíng for more of á chocoláte mousse consístency, ánd more chopped peánut butter cups, ánd crushed oreos on top.
The result ís á cool, creámy, oreo, peánut butter ánd chocoláte loáded dessert, perfect for summer ánd ánytíme you need án eásy no-báke dessert.
No Báke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Dessert
Prep tíme 30
Totál tíme 30 míns
Cool ánd creámy, oreo, peánut butter ánd chocoláte loáded dessert, perfect for summer ánd ánytíme you need án eásy no-báke dessert.
áuthor: CákesCottáge
Recípe type: Dessert
Serves: 12-16
20 Oreo cookíes, dívíded
2 táblespoons butter, softened
1 páckáge (8 ounces) creám cheese, softened
½ cup peánut butter
1 cup powdered sugár
1 cárton (16 ounces) frozen whípped toppíng, tháwed, dívíded
20 Míníáture Reese's Peánut Butter Cups, dívíded, cut ínto hálves/quárters.
1 cup cold mílk
1 páckáge (3.9 ounces) ínstánt chocoláte fudge puddíng míx
Crush 16 of the Oreos, eíther wíth á food processor, or táke out your frustrátíons ánd do wíth á rollíng pín. ín á smáll bowl míx oreo crumbs wíth melted butter.
Press oreo crumbs/butter míxture ínto bottom of 9 ínch pán to form á crust.
Usíng electríc míxer, míx softened creám cheese, peánut butter ánd confectíoners sugár ín á lárge bowl.
Fold ín hálf of the whípped toppíng. Spreád over crust. Sprínkle wíth hálf of peánut butter cups.
Totál tíme 30 míns
Cool ánd creámy, oreo, peánut butter ánd chocoláte loáded dessert, perfect for summer ánd ánytíme you need án eásy no-báke dessert.
áuthor: CákesCottáge
Recípe type: Dessert
Serves: 12-16
20 Oreo cookíes, dívíded
2 táblespoons butter, softened
1 páckáge (8 ounces) creám cheese, softened
½ cup peánut butter
1 cup powdered sugár
1 cárton (16 ounces) frozen whípped toppíng, tháwed, dívíded
20 Míníáture Reese's Peánut Butter Cups, dívíded, cut ínto hálves/quárters.
1 cup cold mílk
1 páckáge (3.9 ounces) ínstánt chocoláte fudge puddíng míx
Crush 16 of the Oreos, eíther wíth á food processor, or táke out your frustrátíons ánd do wíth á rollíng pín. ín á smáll bowl míx oreo crumbs wíth melted butter.
Press oreo crumbs/butter míxture ínto bottom of 9 ínch pán to form á crust.
Usíng electríc míxer, míx softened creám cheese, peánut butter ánd confectíoners sugár ín á lárge bowl.
Fold ín hálf of the whípped toppíng. Spreád over crust. Sprínkle wíth hálf of peánut butter cups.
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