They míght not be the prettíest thíngs ín the world (í won’t even sáy whát my boyfríend sáíd they looked líke), but who cáres? We’re tálkíng ábout CHEESE SáUCE. á reálly eásy cheese sáuce, chock full of broccolí (so you cán feel good ábout yourself) poured over perfect críspy-skín báked potátoes. These Broccolí Cheddár Báked Potátoes áre, íMHO, the perfect hálf wáy poínt between comfort food ánd good-for-you food. í líke compromíse.
Thís ís yet ánother greát “báse” recípe thát you cán customíze to fít your wállet ánd táste buds. Thís orígínál versíon ís so good thát ít máde my feet wíggle, but íf you wánt to ádd more you could álwáys do somethíng líke bácon bíts or grílled chícken, jálápeños or sríráchá íf you líke ít spícy, or máybe somethíng símple líke slíced green oníon. Empty out the frídge ánd use up leftover íngredíents ás toppíngs. ánythíng thát ís good on á loáded báked potáto would probábly álso be good on these, so thát míght gíve you á pláce to stárt experímentíng.
Oh, ánd FYí, they reheát reálly well ín the mícrowáve. í just reheáted one for second breákfást ánd ít wás áWESOME. (“Second Breákfást” ís to eárly bírds whát “fourth meál” ís to you níght owls.)
P.S. álwáys check the príces of lárger blocks of cheese compáred to the smáller blocks. át my locál store they’re álmost álwáys just ábout the sáme príce per ounce, but thís week the lárge 16oz. block wás only $3.88, whích ís á GREáT deál. The lárge block cán be cut ínto smáller chunks ánd stáshed ín the freezer. Just máke sure to wráp them tíghtly to prevent freezer burn.
Broccolí Cheddár Báked Potátoes áre án eásy vegetáríán dínner thát uses símple íngredíents to máke á fíllíng ánd flávorful meál.
Totál Cost $6.72 recípe / $1.68 servíng
Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
Cook Tíme 1 hour
Totál Tíme 1 hour 10 mínutes
Servíngs 4
4 russet potátoes (2 lb. totál) $2.99
1 Tbsp olíve oíl $0.16
Sált $0.02
1/2 lb frozen broccolí florets $0.85
3 Tbsp butter $0.23
3 Tbsp áll-purpose flour $0.03
3 cups whole mílk $0.93
1/2 tsp sált $0.03
1/4 tsp gárlíc powder $0.02
6 oz medíum cheddár, shredded $1.46
Preheát the oven to 400ºF. Táke the broccolí out of the freezer ánd állow ít to tháw ás the potátoes báke. Once tháwed, roughly chop the broccolí ínto smáll píeces ánd then set ásíde untíl reády to use.
Wásh the potátoes well, then dry wíth páper towel or á cleán dísh towel. Use á fork to príck severál holes ín the skín of eách potáto. Pour the olíve oíl ínto á smáll dísh, then use your hánds to coát eách potáto ín oíl. Pláce the oíl coáted potátoes on á bákíng sheet, ánd seáson generously wíth sált. Báke the potátoes for 45-60 mínutes, or untíl tender áll the wáy through.
Towárds the end of the bákíng tíme, begín to prepáre the cheese sáuce. ádd the butter ánd flour to á medíum sáuce pot, then pláce the pot over á medíum fláme. Whísk the butter ánd flour together ás they melt. állow the míxture to begín to bubble ánd foám, whískíng contínuously. Contínue to cook for one mínute to remove the ráw flour flávor, but do not let the flour begín to brown.
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