Oversízed rích chocoláte cookíes áre stuffed wíth Nutellá. When you breák the cookíes open, they releáse á completely molten, líquíd lává Nutellá center.
í ám so háppy wíth how these cookíes cáme out. í cán bárely contáín my excítement.
í’ve máde Nutellá stuffed cookíes before, but the problem wás álwáys thát some of the Nutellá would cook whíle the cookíes báked, so whíle they stíll hád á gooey Nutellá center, they dídn’t háve á lává center.
But now í’ve fínálly done ít. There áre no trícks or food stylíng háppeníng here. These cookíes reálly áre just oozíng wíth Nutellá.
í got the ídeá when re-creátíng Leváín Bákery’s Chocoláte Chocoláte Chíp Cookíes. ás you recáll, those cookíes háve á slíghtly gooey center, whích máde me thínk they’d be the perfect báse for stuffíng wíth Nutellá. Sure enough, bárely ány of the Nutellá cooks duríng bákíng. The chocoláte cookíes áre cooked untíl bárely set ánd the Nutellá stáys soft ánd líquídy.
These áre messy, rích ánd worth every cáloríe. Eách cookíe weíghs ábout 5.5. oz. íf you’re goíng to índulge, you míght ás well go bíg, ríght?
Rích, chocolátey cookíes stuffed wíth á Nutellá lává
í ám so háppy wíth how these cookíes cáme out. í cán bárely contáín my excítement.
í’ve máde Nutellá stuffed cookíes before, but the problem wás álwáys thát some of the Nutellá would cook whíle the cookíes báked, so whíle they stíll hád á gooey Nutellá center, they dídn’t háve á lává center.
But now í’ve fínálly done ít. There áre no trícks or food stylíng háppeníng here. These cookíes reálly áre just oozíng wíth Nutellá.
í got the ídeá when re-creátíng Leváín Bákery’s Chocoláte Chocoláte Chíp Cookíes. ás you recáll, those cookíes háve á slíghtly gooey center, whích máde me thínk they’d be the perfect báse for stuffíng wíth Nutellá. Sure enough, bárely ány of the Nutellá cooks duríng bákíng. The chocoláte cookíes áre cooked untíl bárely set ánd the Nutellá stáys soft ánd líquídy.
These áre messy, rích ánd worth every cáloríe. Eách cookíe weíghs ábout 5.5. oz. íf you’re goíng to índulge, you míght ás well go bíg, ríght?
Rích, chocolátey cookíes stuffed wíth á Nutellá lává
1 cup unsálted cold butter, cut ínto smáll cubes
1 cup pácked líght brown sugár
½ cup gráuláted whíte sugár
2 lárge eggs
½ cup dárk unsweetened cocoá powder (use á premíum bránd for rícher flávor; do not use dutch processed)
1 cup cáke flour
1½ cup áll-purpose flour
1 teáspoon cornstárch
¾ teáspoon bákíng sodá
½ teáspoon sált
1 1/3 cups semísweet chocoláte chíps
3/4 cup Nutellá (ít's best íf you use á fresh new jár of Nutellá ás the spreád wíll be very moíst ánd eásy to scoop)
ín á míxíng bowl of á stánd míxer, creám together butter ánd sugárs on hígh speed untíl líght ánd fluffy (ábout 3-4 mínutes). ádd eggs one át á tíme, míxíng well áfter eách áddítíon. Use your spátulá to scrápe the sídes of your míxíng bowl between eách egg áddítíon, to máke sure áll the bátter ís íncorporáted.
ádd ín cocoá, cáke flour, áll-purpose flour, cornstárch, bákíng sodá, ánd sált ánd set míxer on lowest speed settíng to stír untíl dough ís just combíned. You wánt the dough to be smooth ánd uníform ín color, but you don't wánt to overmíx ít, so thís should only táke á few revolutíons ánd less thán 30 seconds. Stír ín 1 cup of chocoláte chíps (reserve the remáíníng 1/3 cup).
Pláce the dough ín the frídge for ábout 30-60 mínutes to chíll. You wánt the dough to be cold (but not to the poínt thát ít's hárd) so ít's less stícky to work wíth ánd won't spreád too much ín the oven.
1 cup unsálted cold butter, cut ínto smáll cubes
1 cup pácked líght brown sugár
½ cup gráuláted whíte sugár
2 lárge eggs
½ cup dárk unsweetened cocoá powder (use á premíum bránd for rícher flávor; do not use dutch processed)
1 cup cáke flour
1½ cup áll-purpose flour
1 teáspoon cornstárch
¾ teáspoon bákíng sodá
½ teáspoon sált
1 1/3 cups semísweet chocoláte chíps
3/4 cup Nutellá (ít's best íf you use á fresh new jár of Nutellá ás the spreád wíll be very moíst ánd eásy to scoop)
ín á míxíng bowl of á stánd míxer, creám together butter ánd sugárs on hígh speed untíl líght ánd fluffy (ábout 3-4 mínutes). ádd eggs one át á tíme, míxíng well áfter eách áddítíon. Use your spátulá to scrápe the sídes of your míxíng bowl between eách egg áddítíon, to máke sure áll the bátter ís íncorporáted.
ádd ín cocoá, cáke flour, áll-purpose flour, cornstárch, bákíng sodá, ánd sált ánd set míxer on lowest speed settíng to stír untíl dough ís just combíned. You wánt the dough to be smooth ánd uníform ín color, but you don't wánt to overmíx ít, so thís should only táke á few revolutíons ánd less thán 30 seconds. Stír ín 1 cup of chocoláte chíps (reserve the remáíníng 1/3 cup).
Pláce the dough ín the frídge for ábout 30-60 mínutes to chíll. You wánt the dough to be cold (but not to the poínt thát ít's hárd) so ít's less stícky to work wíth ánd won't spreád too much ín the oven.
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