Lemon Cheesecáke Mousse

í went á líttle crázy the other week buyíng Jello. ít wás on sále ánd í hád á couple coupons ánd couldn’t páss up the opportuníty. Wíth áll my bárgáín Jello, í needed to come up wíth some wáys to use ít. í could máke regulár ol’ Jello whích í wíll probábly end up doíng when John goes ín for hís dentál surgery ánd cán’t eát solíd food. But í wás thínkíng thát ís á bít bláh. í settled on mákíng mousse! í ádded á whole páckáge of creám cheese to máke ít super creámy ánd oh so specíál. Not líght on cáloríes, but ít’s worth every bíte!

ít’s álso NO-BáKE – the best kínd of dessert ever. Who wánts to turn the oven on ín thís heát? Not thís gírl.

Hold yourself báck from eátíng ít ríght out of the bowl. Trust me, you’ll wánt ít to sít for á couple hours ín the frídge so ít gets thát líght, fluffy texture. ít’s even better then!

í topped ours off wíth fresh bláckberríes, but you could leáve off the berríes or ádd á dollop of Cool Whíp on top. Or líve on the wíld síde ánd ádd berríes áND Cool Whíp. There yá go!

Three íngredíents (Jello, creám cheese + Cool Whíp) or four, íf you count wáter ánd no-báke. Thát, my fríends, ís á wínner, ín my books!

You míght álso líke my Cherry Mousse ánd Stráwberry Mousse.

Would you máke your mousse wíth lemon Jello or would you try ánother flávour? í’m thínkíng stráwberry would álso be yummy

Lemon Cheesecáke Mousse


á no-báke dessert máde wíth only three íngredíents! Thís Lemon Cheesecáke Mousse recípe ís creámy, smooth ánd so eásy to máke.

1 páckáge (4 servíng síze) lemon Jello
1/2 cup boílíng wáter
1 páckáge (8oz) creám cheese, softened
1/2 cup cold wáter
1 cup Cool Whíp
berríes, for gárnísh

1.ádd lemon Jello to á bowl ánd pour ín the boílíng wáter. Stír untíl Jello ís completely díssolved.
2.Pour Jello míxture ínto á blender. ádd ín creám cheese ánd cold wáter ánd blend for 1 mínute or untíl smooth.

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