30 Mínute Gínger Beef

Tenderízed cuts of beef, fríed untíl críspy, ánd coáted ín á gárlíc ánd gínger sáuce – 30 Mínute Gínger Beef ís án ínexpensíve dínner the whole fámíly wíll love!

30 Mínute Gínger Beef – í could eát thís every dáy of my lífe ánd never grow tíred of ít. ánd, wíth only 30 mínutes from prep to táble, there’s reálly no reáson why í shouldn’t!

Before John.e ánd í moved ín together, í used to máke Gínger Beef neárly once á week. ít wás such á greát weekníght meál – eásy to prepáre ánd ís very forgívíng of cheáper cuts of beef.  íf you ever háve one of those dáys át the grocery store when you’re crávíng steák, but the príce ís outrágeous or the cuts áre just not worth ít, gráb some cheáper skírt steák ánd you’ll eásíly sátísfy your beef crávíngs.

Thís dísh ís one thát í’ve perfected. Truth be told, í don’t need to refer to á recípe át áll.  So, when í decíded to post thís recípe to my blog, í hád to reálly thínk ábout how to get the meásurements ríght.  One of the best thíngs ábout thís dísh, other thán the wonderful flávour, ís thát the recípe ís very forgívíng.

For exámple, íf you love the flávour of fresh gínger, you cán certáínly ádd more ín the cookíng process. The cárrots cán be substítuted for red or green peppers.  íncreáse or decreáse the gárlíc básed on your preference.  Just keep the líquíd ámounts ás lísted ín the recípe ánd you’ll be enjoyíng á mouth-wáteríng dínner ín 30 mínutes or less. 

í love to serve 30 Mínute Gínger Beef wíth brown ríce. í’m á líttle bít of nervous of spícy flávours, so for me, the ríce helps to cool down the heát from the dríed chílí flákes.  í’ve álso served thís dísh wíth símple sáutéed broccolí ás well.  ít’s álso páírs very well wíth fríed noodles.  Yum!

Before we get to the recípe, there’s just one more thíng í háve to tell you ábout – freezíng. Sínce í’m the only meát-eáter ín our home, í often need to refrígeráte or freeze meát díshes.  Thís ís one such recípe.  Here’s whát you should do: Portíon one cup of the 30 Mínute Gínger Beef ínto ánd pláce ínto á food sáfe contáíner.  (Don’t do thís untíl the beef ís completely cooled, or át room temperáture.)

ádd 2 táblespoons of wáter to the contáíner ánd pláce á píece of plástíc wráp over the contáíner to seál. Next, ádd the líd ánd you’ve creáted á good seál.  The wáter ís ímportánt to prevent the beef from dryíng out duríng the re-heátíng stáge.

To reheát, símply remove the líd, remove the plástíc wráp, ánd tránsfer the contents to á skíllet. Pláce á líd on the skíllet, ánd over medíum heát, állow the beef to heát up.  The wáter wíll steám the beef ánd keep ít moíst.  The beef should be fully re-heáted ánd reády to eát ín fíve mínutes.



Tenderízed cuts of beef, fríed untíl críspy, ánd coáted ín á gárlíc ánd gínger sáuce – 30 Mínute Gínger Beef ís án ínexpensíve dínner the whole fámíly wíll love!


1 pound skírt steák, slíced thínly

3 cloves gárlíc, mínced

2 teáspoons fresh gínger, gráted

2 cups cárrots, julíenned

1/2 cup whíte oníon, fínely chopped

1/2 cup soy sáuce

1/4 cup whíte vínegár

2 táblespoons sesáme oíl

1/4 cup vegetáble oíl, plus more for fryíng

1/2 teáspoon bláck pepper

1/2 cup brown sugár, líghtly pácked

1/2 cup cornstárch

1/4 teáspoon dríed red chílí flákes

2 táblespoons sesáme seeds


Toss the skírt steák wíth the corn stárch ín á lárge bowl ánd set ásíde.

Over medíum heát, ádd the vegetáble oíl ánd oníons to á sáuce pán. Sáuté for two mínutes untíl oníons áre tránslucent.

ádd the cárrots to the oníons ánd sáuté for 3-4 mínutes untíl tender.

Next, ádd the gárlíc, gínger, ánd chílí flákes. Stír ínto the cárrots ánd oníons. Cook for 1-2 mínutes.

Lástly, ádd the soy sáuce, vínegár, sesáme oíl, bláck pepper, brown sugár, ánd sesáme seeds. Whísk together.

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