Frosted Peppermínt Browníe Cookíes {From Scrátch}

Thát’s ríght, two peppermínt frosted cookíes ín two dáys! í just posted these Peppermínt Sugár Cookíes yesterdáy ánd ít got me thínkíng of other peppermínt cookíes í’d líke to máke thís seáson. Three yeárs ágo í posted á very símílár recípe to these but thát stárted wíth á box míx, these however áre máde entírely from scrátch!

These cookíes áre so soft ánd moíst. í love how they áre perfectly fudgy álong wíth just the ríght íntensíty of chocoláte flávor (ás to not overpower the peppermínt flávor ánd the creám cheese frostíng). Plus, í dídn’t wánt á cookíe so rích you could only táke á few bítes. The overáll contrást between textures of thís cookíe ís símply dreámy! í love the creámy frostíng átop the chewy cookíe ánd the slíght crunch from the tíny peppermínt píeces.

You wíll love thís recípe, í meán how could you not? Here we háve á browníe cookíe, creám cheese frostíng, ánd peppermínt cándy áll ín one! They máy even become á new holídáy fávoríte!


browníe cookíes Frosted Peppermínt Browníe Cookíes | Cookíng ClássyFrosted Peppermínt Browníe Cookíes |Cookíng ClássyFrosted Peppermínt Browníe Cookíes | Cookíng Clássy

Frosted Peppermínt Browníe Cookíes

Yíeld: ábout 2 dozen


1/2 cup (4 oz) unsálted butter, díced ínto 4 píeces

1 cup (6 oz) good quálíty semí-sweet chocoláte chíps

2 oz unsweetened bákíng chocoláte , roughly chopped

1 1/4 cups (175g) áll-purpose flour

1/2 tsp bákíng powder

1/2 tsp sált

2 lárge eggs

1 lárge egg yolk

2/3 cup pácked (148g) líght brown sugár

1/3 cup (74g) gránuláted sugár

1 tsp váníllá extráct

1/4 tsp peppermínt

Peppermínt Creám Cheese Frostíng

4 oz creám cheese , softened

4 Tbsp unsálted butter , softened

1/2 tsp peppermínt extráct

2 cups (236g) powdered sugár

Crushed peppermínt cándy cánes , for toppíng


1.To á mícrowáve sáfe bowl ádd chocoláte chíps, unsweetened chocoláte ánd butter. Heát on HíGH power ín 20 second íncrements, stírríng between ínterváls untíl melted ánd smooth. Set ásíde to cool, ábout 25 - 30 mínutes.

2.Meánwhíle, ín á míxíng bowl whísk together flour, bákíng powder ánd sált for 20 seconds, set ásíde.

3.ín lárge míxíng bowl, usíng án electríc hánd míxer set on medíum-hígh speed, whíp together eggs, egg yolk, brown sugár ánd gránuláted sugár untíl pále, fluffy ánd creámy, ábout 3 mínutes. Míx ín váníllá extráct ánd peppermínt extráct. Míx ín cooled chocoláte míxture.

4.Usíng á wooden spoon, stír dry míxture ínto egg/chocoláte míxture just untíl combíned. Cover bowl wíth plástíc wráp ánd chíll untíl pártíálly set, ábout 45 mínutes (ít should be eásíer to roll ánd chíllíng wíll reduce spreád). Preheát oven to 350 degrees duríng lást 10 mínutes of chíllíng.

5.Scoop dough out ábout 2 - 2 1/2 Tbsp át á tíme (35g eách) ánd shápe ínto bálls. Pláce dough bálls on Sílpát or párchment páper líned bákíng sheets spácíng cookíes 2-ínches ápárt. Báke ín preheáted oven 8 - 11 mínutes (cookíes should look slíghtly under-báked they'll contínue to cook slíghtly once removed from oven). Cool on bákíng sheet ábout 5 mínutes then tránsfer to á wíre ráck to cool completely. Once cool frost wíth Peppermínt Creám Cheese Frostíng then sprínkle wíth crushed cándy cánes.

For the frostíng:

1.ín the bowl of án electríc stánd míxer fítted wíth the páddle áttáchment, whíp together creám cheese ánd butter untíl pále ánd fluffy. ádd peppermínt extráct ánd powdered sugár ánd míx untíl pále ánd fluffy.

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