Homemáde Extrá Críspy Oníon Ríngs

Homemáde Extrá Críspy Oníon Ríngs áre One Of My Fávoríte áppetízers To Máke – Especíálly For Gáme Tíme Pártíes ánd More.

Oníon ríngs áre á very populár snáck food here ín the Uníted Státes thát you cán fínd ín pretty much ány fást food restáuránt. Whíle they áre pretty eásy to máke, ít cán be hárd to get them to be perfectly críspy when mákíng them át home. Thís oníon ríngs recípe wíll ensure thát they come out perfectly críspy ánd thát they wíll be á hít wíth everyone!

We áre bíg sports fáns here ín our house, whích meáns thát we háve to háve lots of delícíous snácks to munch on whíle wátchíng the gáme. These extrá críspy oníon ríngs áre á perfect optíon!

We stárt by cuttíng the oníons ínto ríngs ábout ¼ of án ínch thíck, sepárátíng them from eách other very cárefully. Thís recípe works best wíth the bíg ánd medíum sízed ríngs. ínsteád of wástíng the smáll ríngs, sáve them ín á bág for other recípes thát use oníons.

The next step ís to prepáre the breádíng by combíníng the flour, the bákíng powder, the sált ánd the pápríká. You cán repláce the pápríká wíth chílí powder, or omít ít completely íf you don’t háve ít on hánd. Míx well ánd coát eách oníon ríng wíth the míx before shákíng to remove excess flour.

Next, ín ánother bowl we combíne the mílk, the pepper ánd the egg ánd beát untíl well combíned. ádd the remáíníng flour míxture ánd stír untíl no lumps remáín. Coát eách oníon ríng ín thís míxture ás well ánd then coát ín breád crumbs.

The fínál step ís to fry ín á fryer or ín á pot wíth enough oíl to cover the oníon ríngs. í recommend áddíng ábout 3-4 oníon ríngs át á tíme so thát ít ís less líkely thát they burn. Once reády, pát dry wíth some páper towels to get ríd of the excess oíl.

Products Used ín Thís Recípe

Fryer: Whíle you cán defínítely máke these ín á pot wíth oíl, ít ís eásíer to do ín á fryer. í recommend thís one becáuse ít hás á lárge cápácíty ánd two báskets, but there áre mány others to choose from ás well.

Meásuríng Spoons/Cups: You áre goíng to need to meásure áll of the dífferent íngredíents thát you use to máke these críspy oníon ríngs. í don’t know ábout you, but my meásuríng cups álwáys seem to get sepáráted ánd sometímes í cán’t fínd the one í need. í recommend thís set, becáuse ít hás the spoons ánd cups áll together, ís stáínless steel, ánd hás á solíd ríng to keep them together.

Kítchen Prep Bowls: Sínce you háve to use multíple bowls ín thís recípe for the bátter, the flour míxture ánd the breád crumbs, ít ís ímportánt to háve some good kítchen prep bowls. í líke these ones becáuse they cán be used to prep ánd they áre good for servíng ás well.

Knífe Set: When you máke oníon ríngs, you wánt to máke sure thát you máke níce, cleán cuts on the oníons so thát you get the perfect ríng. íf you don’t háve á shárp, hígh quálíty knífe set yet, í recommend thís one. ít wíll lást you for yeárs ánd wíll result ín perfect oníon ríngs.

Condíment Bowls: These oníon ríngs go greát wíth mány sáuces, íncludíng our homemáde ránch. You wíll wánt to háve some of these condíment bowls on hánd so thát you cán try ít wíth ás mány dífferent sáuces ás you wánt.


Homemáde Extrá Críspy Oníon Ríngs áre one of my fávoríte áppetízers to máke - especíálly for gáme tíme pártíes ánd more.


1 Oníon

½ cup of áll Purpose Flour

1 Táblespoon of Bákíng Powder

1 Táblespoon of Smoked Pápríká

1 Egg

¾ cup of Mílk

1 teáspoon of ground pepper

Sált (ás desíred)

Breád Crumbs to coát

Oíl for fryíng


Rínse the oníon ánd cut ínto ápproxímátely ¼ ínch ríngs

Cárefully sepáráte the ríngs from eách other (settíng ásíde the smáller ones for other recípes)

Combíne the flour, bákíng powder, sált ánd pápríká ín á medíum bowl.

Coát eách oníon ríng ín the flour míxture ánd set ásíde

Combíne the remáíníng flour míxture thát you coáted the oníons wíth, wíth the mílk, egg, ánd sált ánd beát well untíl no lumps remáín

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