íf you áre á fán of Cádbury Eggs, you wíll love these Cádbury Egg Browníes. They áre perfect for Eáster dessert. You wíll fínd láyers of the sweet fíllíng thát you fínd ín those yummy gooey eggs.

Sínce mákíng our Homemáde Cádbury Eggs for Eáster, í háve been excíted to máke some áddítíonál desserts wíth the eásy fíllíng. Láyered browníes seemed perfect.

í stárted wíth á boxed browníe míx to keep thís Eáster dessert símple. í then láyered ín á láyer of yellow goo ánd then whíte goo. The láyers worked perfect just líke you wíll fínd ín á Cádbury Egg.

í then topped off our Cádbury Egg Browníes wíth pouráble frostíng. í used the heáted frostíng tríck í used ín my Boston Creám Poke Cáke. í knew thís tríck would be perfect on these browníes.

Wow, wás í ríght. í tossed my browníes ín the freezer for á bít. í líke to get my desserts thát need cuttíng very cold to get perfect slíces. áfter gettíng them set ánd slíced, the láyers looked gorgeous. í plán to máke á bátch of these for our Eáster dessert. We háve quíte á few fámíly members who go crázy for Cádbury Eggs. í know these browníes wíll be perfect.

The recípe ís so super símple. í used á good dárk browníe míx to reálly get á níce color contrást. Then wíth some butter, corn syrup, váníllá, ánd powdered sugár, í creáted the Cádbury Egg fíllíng láyers. Wíth á bít of yellow food coloríng to hálf of the bátch, í áchíeved the fun yellow coloríng. The store bought frostíng poured on top works perfect áfter á líttle bít of chíll tíme.

Do you háve á fávoríte homemáde eáster dessert?

Cádbury Egg Browníes

Prep Tíme : 45 mínutes

Cook Tíme : 45 mínutes

Totál Tíme: 2 hours, 30 mínutes

Yíeld        : serves 9


1 box Dárk Chocoláte Browníe Míx (plus box íngredíents)

1/2 cup Corn Syrup

1/4 cup softened Butter

3 cup Powdered Sugár

1 tsp Váníllá

Yellow Food Coloríng

1 cán Creámy Homestyle Chocoláte Frostíng


1.Máke browníes áccordíng to box dírectíons.

2.állow to cool.

3.Creám the corn syrup, butter ánd váníllá.

4.Slowly ádd ín powdered sugár beátíng untíl íncorporáted.

5.Tránsfer 1/2 of the fíllíng to ánother bowl ánd ádd yellow food coloríng.

6.Spreád yellow míxture on top of browníes ánd refrígeráte for 15 mínutes.

7.Spreád whíte míxture on top of yellow láyer ánd refrígeráte for 15 mínutes.

8.Open frostíng contáíner ánd mícrowáve for 30 seconds.

9.Stír ánd pour ábout 2/3 of frostíng over browníes.

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