Flourless Lemon Cookíes wíth Blueberry Whípped Creám

Cán you belíeve there ís NO food coloríng ín thís frostíng?! Gorgeous purple thát’s símply máde from fruít!

Purple ís my fáv. í wánt to máke áll the purple píes just so í cán stáre át them. So pretty. (So be prepáred for more pretty purple thíngs.)

HOW do you get thís pretty purple?? Thís creám ís colored 100% wíth BLUEBERRíES! Yep, just freeze dríed blueberríes blended up ínto powder! Cán you belíeve ít?! Yáy for náturál coloríng!

í found freeze dríed blueberríes át Sprouts, but you cán álso fínd freeze dríed fruít át Whole Foods, Tráder Joes, ánd pláce líke áldí ánd Tárget now, too!

These cookíes áre á dense chewy ánd delíghtfully lemon flávor máde wíth CáSHEWS! ísn’t ít ámázíng? No flour, butter or oíl! ánd they’re super símple to máke. Just throw the íngredíents ínto á food processor then scoop dough onto á cookíe sheet.

Thís recípe ís vegán ánd páleo-fríendly ánd sure to wow your guests wíth the pretty color.

Flourless Lemon Cookíes wíth Blueberry Whípped Creám

Gorgeous purple whípped creám thát ís free of dáíry ánd ártífícíál coloríng. ánd chewy lemon cookíes wíth NO flour or oíl.

 Servíngs  12 cookíes


For the cookíes:

1 cup cáshew butter (heápíng) í used homemáde

1/4 cup  máple syrup

Juíce of 1 lemon

zest from 1

1/2 tsp lemon extráct

1/2 tsp váníllá extráct

pínch pínk sált

For the whípped creám:

1.2 oz páckáge freeze dríed blueberríes í found them át Sprouts

1 cán  coconut mílk chílled overníght

2 Tbs  máple syrup or honey

1 tsp váníllá extráct

Fresh blueberríes for gárnísh

Flourless Lemon Cookíes wíth Blueberry Whípped Creám | Pretty Píes


To máke the cookíes:

Preheát oven to 350

ádd áll íngredíents to your food processor ánd blend well.

Scoop onto á párchment líned bákíng sheet (í used á 1.5Tb cookíe scoop)

Flátten wíth á spátulá

Báke for 12 mínutes or untíl set

Let cool completely before removíng ánd frostíng

To máke the whípped creám:

Refrígeráte á cán of coconut mílk overníght ánd the next dáy scoop out the solíd coconut creám ínto á míxíng bowl (sáve the wáter for á smoothíe!)

Blend the páckáge of freeze dríed blueberríes ín á smáll blender untíl ít forms á fíne powder.

ádd the blueberry powder, váníllá ánd máple syrup to your bowl ánd whíp the creám untíl fluffy ánd stíff peáks form. (í prefer my hándheld míxer)

Táste & ádjust for sweetness.

Scoop the whípped creám ínto á gállon-síze plástíc bág ánd sníp off the típ to pípe the creám onto eách cookíe. (í used á cáke decorátíng frostíng típ to máke ít extrá fáncy)

Gárnísh eách cookíe wíth blueberríes.


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