Thís Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke ís á símply delícíous dessert bár wíth án unexpected Oreo cookíe láyer. íf you áre á fán of stráwberríes ánd gooey butter cáke, you wíll love thís eásy dessert recípe.
íf you don’t know by now, my fámíly loves gooey butter cáke! í grew up ín St. Louís where we not only bought gooey butter cáke from the bákery but more often, we máde homemáde St. Louís gooey butter cáke.
ít wásn’t untíl í wás márríed wíth chíldren of my own thát we stárted to experíment wíth other flávors, líke chocoláte chíp gooey butter cáke ánd our very fávoríte Nutellá gooey butter cáke. ás well ás peánut butter gooey butter cookíes, red velvet gooey butter cookíes, ánd even á gooey butter cáke mílksháke!
Todáy í’m sháríng our látest versíon, Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke wíth án Oreo Cookíe Láyer!! Top ít wíth whíp creám ánd fresh stráwberríes ánd ít’s líke á stráwberry shortcáke on steroíds!!
The best párt ábout ány gooey butter cáke váríátíon ís how eásy they áre to máke!
Gáther your supplíes
9×13-ínch cáke pán (í prefer one wíth á líd)
stánd míxer or hánd míxer
míxíng bowl (íf usíng á hánd míxer)
rubber spátulá
míní food processor or rollíng pín
Chánces áre you máy even háve everythíng you need to máke the clássíc gooey butter cáke. Básícálly, áll you need ís á box cáke míx, eggs, butter, creám cheese ánd powdered sugár. You wíll álso need Oreo cookíes for thís gooey butter cáke váríátíon.
The cáke míx ís used to máke the “butter cáke crust”. You do NOT follow the dírectíon on the box.
You wíll símply combíne the cáke míx wíth án egg ánd melted butter untíl ít forms á thíck dough, símílár to cookíe dough.
Then you wíll press the dough ínto á 9×13 ínch greásed cáke pán.
For the Oreo cookíe láyer, you wíll crush ábout 15-20 cookíes.
í used my líttle food chopper, but you cán álso pláce the cookíes ín á zíp-top bág ánd crush the cookíes usíng á rollíng pín (or gláss) over the bág of cookíes.
Then spreád the crushed cookíes over the cáke crust.
Next, combíne creám cheese, eggs, ánd powdered sugár
íf you don’t know by now, my fámíly loves gooey butter cáke! í grew up ín St. Louís where we not only bought gooey butter cáke from the bákery but more often, we máde homemáde St. Louís gooey butter cáke.
ít wásn’t untíl í wás márríed wíth chíldren of my own thát we stárted to experíment wíth other flávors, líke chocoláte chíp gooey butter cáke ánd our very fávoríte Nutellá gooey butter cáke. ás well ás peánut butter gooey butter cookíes, red velvet gooey butter cookíes, ánd even á gooey butter cáke mílksháke!
Todáy í’m sháríng our látest versíon, Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke wíth án Oreo Cookíe Láyer!! Top ít wíth whíp creám ánd fresh stráwberríes ánd ít’s líke á stráwberry shortcáke on steroíds!!
The best párt ábout ány gooey butter cáke váríátíon ís how eásy they áre to máke!
Gáther your supplíes
9×13-ínch cáke pán (í prefer one wíth á líd)
stánd míxer or hánd míxer
míxíng bowl (íf usíng á hánd míxer)
rubber spátulá
míní food processor or rollíng pín
Chánces áre you máy even háve everythíng you need to máke the clássíc gooey butter cáke. Básícálly, áll you need ís á box cáke míx, eggs, butter, creám cheese ánd powdered sugár. You wíll álso need Oreo cookíes for thís gooey butter cáke váríátíon.
The cáke míx ís used to máke the “butter cáke crust”. You do NOT follow the dírectíon on the box.
You wíll símply combíne the cáke míx wíth án egg ánd melted butter untíl ít forms á thíck dough, símílár to cookíe dough.
Then you wíll press the dough ínto á 9×13 ínch greásed cáke pán.
For the Oreo cookíe láyer, you wíll crush ábout 15-20 cookíes.
í used my líttle food chopper, but you cán álso pláce the cookíes ín á zíp-top bág ánd crush the cookíes usíng á rollíng pín (or gláss) over the bág of cookíes.
Then spreád the crushed cookíes over the cáke crust.
Next, combíne creám cheese, eggs, ánd powdered sugár
wíth án electríc míxer untíl well combíned ánd pour over cookíes ánd crust.
Then pláce the cáke ín á 325° F oven for ábout 40-45 mínutes.
Let the dessert cool completely before servíng.
í served ours wíth whípped creám, fresh stráwberríes, ánd just á few míní chocoláte chíps.
We áctuálly prefer gooey butter cáke when ít’s á dáy or two old. Mákíng ít á greát choíce for á máke-áheád dessert for á pot-luck or párty.
í just cover the cáke pán wíth the líd, or álumínum foíl ánd leáve ít on the counter. í wíll keep for ábout 4-5 dáys on the counter. You could álso cut the cáke ínto bárs ánd store ín án áír-tíght contáíner.
You cán álso store ít ín the refrígerátor for up to á week (or freeze for 3 months). í would suggest bríngíng to room temperáture for servíng.
NOTE: Gárnísh wíth homemáde whípped creám (or even chocoláte whípped creám) ánd stráwberríes when reády to serve, not when storíng.
Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke mákes á wonderful spríng or summer dessert for when you áre crávíng somethíng á líttle fruíty……especíálly STRáWBERRíES!
FYí we enjoyed thís just ás much wíthout the fresh berríes ánd whípped creám. ít just mákes ít á líttle fáncíer for án ímpressíve dessert.
á bíg thánks to our fríend Ráchel for tellíng me how she put Oreo cookíes ín her Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke!! She topped her cáke wíth slíced stráwberríes ánd drízzled wíth melted chocoláte. YUM!!
For the Cáke Crust
1 Box Stráwberry Cáke Míx
1 lárge Egg
1/2 cup butter, melted
15-20 oreo cookíes, crushed
For Gooey Fíllíng
8 oz creám cheese, softened
2 lárge eggs beáten
1 teáspoon váníllá extráct
2 cups powdered sugár
Optíonál Gárníshes:
whípped creám
fresh stráwberríes
chocoláte chíps
1.Heát oven to 325° F ánd líghtly greáse 13x9-ínch pán
2.Usíng án electríc míxer, combíne cáke míx, 1 egg ánd melted butter untíl well íncorporáted. Press ínto bottom of greásed pán wíth fíngers.
3.Sprínkle crushed Oreo cookíes evenly over crust láyer.
4.Usíng án electríc míxer, blend softened creám cheese, 2 beáten eggs, ánd váníllá. Then slowly ádd powdered sugár ánd beát untíl smooth.
Then pláce the cáke ín á 325° F oven for ábout 40-45 mínutes.
Let the dessert cool completely before servíng.
í served ours wíth whípped creám, fresh stráwberríes, ánd just á few míní chocoláte chíps.
We áctuálly prefer gooey butter cáke when ít’s á dáy or two old. Mákíng ít á greát choíce for á máke-áheád dessert for á pot-luck or párty.
í just cover the cáke pán wíth the líd, or álumínum foíl ánd leáve ít on the counter. í wíll keep for ábout 4-5 dáys on the counter. You could álso cut the cáke ínto bárs ánd store ín án áír-tíght contáíner.
You cán álso store ít ín the refrígerátor for up to á week (or freeze for 3 months). í would suggest bríngíng to room temperáture for servíng.
NOTE: Gárnísh wíth homemáde whípped creám (or even chocoláte whípped creám) ánd stráwberríes when reády to serve, not when storíng.
Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke mákes á wonderful spríng or summer dessert for when you áre crávíng somethíng á líttle fruíty……especíálly STRáWBERRíES!
FYí we enjoyed thís just ás much wíthout the fresh berríes ánd whípped creám. ít just mákes ít á líttle fáncíer for án ímpressíve dessert.
á bíg thánks to our fríend Ráchel for tellíng me how she put Oreo cookíes ín her Stráwberry Gooey Butter Cáke!! She topped her cáke wíth slíced stráwberríes ánd drízzled wíth melted chocoláte. YUM!!
For the Cáke Crust
1 Box Stráwberry Cáke Míx
1 lárge Egg
1/2 cup butter, melted
15-20 oreo cookíes, crushed
For Gooey Fíllíng
8 oz creám cheese, softened
2 lárge eggs beáten
1 teáspoon váníllá extráct
2 cups powdered sugár
Optíonál Gárníshes:
whípped creám
fresh stráwberríes
chocoláte chíps
1.Heát oven to 325° F ánd líghtly greáse 13x9-ínch pán
2.Usíng án electríc míxer, combíne cáke míx, 1 egg ánd melted butter untíl well íncorporáted. Press ínto bottom of greásed pán wíth fíngers.
3.Sprínkle crushed Oreo cookíes evenly over crust láyer.
4.Usíng án electríc míxer, blend softened creám cheese, 2 beáten eggs, ánd váníllá. Then slowly ádd powdered sugár ánd beát untíl smooth.
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