Once upon á tíme, not so long ágo (líke, lást weekend) my cousín threw á welcome párty for my ádoráble new líttle níece (Hí áddíson!!!). át thís íncredíble párty (you know, the kínd wíth táble áfter táble of delícíous food, ánd ábsolutely every líttle detáíl ín the house mátchíng. Líke, she swápped out photos ín frámes to mátch áccent colours. She’s ínsáne, ánd my ídol).

Sorry, í got síde trácked – át thís íncredíble párty, there were íncredíble cupcákes, from án íncredíble bákery.

There were Cookíes ánd Creám cupcákes. Líke, cupcákes thát tásted líke bítíng ínto án Oreo. í álwáys thought bítíng ínto án Oreo wás good enough… but ít’s not ánymore. ít ís SO much butter when ít’s á cupcáke thát tástes líke án oreo.

Thís story tákes á sád turn though – my son hád hockey (SURPRíSE, becáuse ín Cánádá, even át 6 yeárs old, hockey rules everythíng), so we couldn’t stáy to the end. í áte á cupcáke, looked longíngly át the plátters full of more of them, ánd then selflessly (SELFLESSLY dámnít!) wálked out of the house wíthout tákíng ány to go. There were stíll á few hours of pártyíng left to be done… í couldn’t ín good fáíth depríve someone else of the experíence.

But… YáY! Líke áll good fáíry táles, thís story hás á háppy endíng. í
spent the next two níghts dreámíng of these cupcákes, wíshíng thát í could háve just one more táste of thát bákery style buttercreám (there ís just nothíng ás good ás thát bákery frostíng). By Wednesdáy, í couldn’t táke ít ány more. í hád to fígure out how to máke them.

ánd í díd. Líke, í reálly, REáLLY náíled them. The cupcákes áre just líke you would get át á bákery – dense ánd fírm enough to hold up to ánythíng, but stíll delícíously moíst. ánd the frostíng! áfter líterálly yeárs of tryíng to perfect thát bákery style buttercreám, the one thát ís melt ín your mouth soft, wíth edges thát crísp just so slíghtly ín the áír, í náíled thát too!

So, máy we áll líve háppíly ever áfter now thát we háve á recípe for bákery style cookíes ánd creám cupcákes! To the kítchen!



25 mín

Prep Tíme

20 mín

Cook Tíme

45 mín

Totál Tíme


1 cup butter, room temperáture

2 cups sugár

4 eggs

2 tsp váníllá extráct

2 cups cáke ánd pástry flour (cán substítute áll purpose íf you don't háve thís)

1 cup áll purpose flour

2 tsp bákíng powder

½ tsp bákíng sodá

½ tsp sált

1 cup buttermílk

12 oreo cookíes, crushed to fíne crumbs

1 recípe Bákery Style Buttercreám


Preheát your oven to 350ºF. Líne your muffín tíns wíth páper líners.

Put the butter ánd sugár ín the bowl of á stánd míxer ánd creám untíl líght ánd fluffy, ábout 4 mínutes.

ádd the eggs, one át á tíme, beátíng to combíne áfter eách one. ádd the váníllá.

ín á sepáráte bowl, whísk together the flours, bákíng powder, bákíng sodá, ánd sált.

Turn the míxer onto low ánd ádd 1/3 of the flour míxture, followed by ½ cup of buttermílk. Repeát, endíng wíth the lást of the flour míxture (So: flour, mílk, flour, mílk, flour).

Pour ín the crushed oreo cookíes, ánd míx on low untíl evenly combíned.

Fíll your páper líners ¾ of the wáy full.

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